2: partners

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Maddie's pov:

My first period was math, which I am actually good at but I don't really know anyone in the class which makes it really boring. My second period however is history, which is the only class Leo and I are in together. And of course it's also the only class Dylan and I share.

When I walked in Leo was already sitting down at our usual table. When I took a seat next to her she motioned towards the board. "Think he'll let us choose groups?" On the board was written that we had a new project due two weeks from today.

"Ugh he never does" I said back. Leo sighed and put her head on her desk.

"Alright people settle down" Mr Matthews, our history teacher, yelled towards the class. "As y'all can see we got a new assignment starting today. Right now I am handing you the directions and the rubric for this project. You will also not be working alone for this project, you will each be assigned a partner who you will have to work outside the class with. If there are any problems between you and your partner, please come speak with me. I am now going to project the groups on the board. "

As soon as names appeared on the board I immediately saw Leo's, next to some guys name that wasn't mine. Fuck. She was paired with some quiet dude who's gone to school with us since kindergarten, he's smart though at least.

When I saw my name and the name next to it, and looked across the classroom to the person I'd be spending two weeks with, she was already looking at me and smirking. Fucking Dylan. Why does the world hate me?


When class was over Leo and I parted ways to go to third period, and as I was walking to history Dylan came up behind me.

"So partner, when should we work on this thing?" She said, still grinning.
I stopped in the hallway and turned around to face her. She stopped, almost bumping into me, and just stared at me with a blank expression.

"Look I want to get a good grade on this ok?" I said to her, bitchier than I meant it to be.

"Well of course, so do I " she said. I almost thought she was serious for a second until she started smiling again. Ugh. I turned back around and kept walking. "Ok ok wait." She called after me. "How about we work on it tonight? We could go to Sandy's, I know Sandy so she won't care if we're there for long."

Sandy's was an old fashioned diner that was run by a 65 year old woman. It's been in our town for decades and it's become a hangout spot for after football games.

"Yeah ok fine." I said sighing. "Meet there at 7 ok?". She gave me a nod in return. After that we split ways as I headed in to my next class. Maybe this won't be so bad I thought.


Authors note-

I already saw a few people have been reading this, thank you all so much 😊😊 the writing is so fucking bad right now but I promise it will get better, I'm just not good at starting stories. The chapters will also get longer. So ya hope y'all enjoy 💜

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