17: Dinner

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Dylan's pov:

I knew Maddie didn't give a shit about what Mike did, I just didn't want to actually hear it out loud.

Maybe I'm being an ass for getting in her business, but I know what it can be like when shitty people get drunk.

But we are very close to the end of our project so I probably wont ever talk to her again so who gives a shit.

After Spanish was over I started to walk towards my car  to head home, when I heard Valerie calling me.

"Hey" I said to her.

"Hey. So lunch was interesting today huh" she said, looking at me, waiting for me to respond.

Valerie was very drunk the night we first ran into Mike, so she really doesn't remember what happened. And it's not like we knew the guy then so I didn't think it mattered to tell her.

"Yeah it was" I said, blankly. I could see her rolling her eyes.

"Are you gonna talk to me. I'm clearly missing something. The whole table was" she said.

I stopped walking once I got to my car and turned to face her. Valerie leaned against my car.

I sighed.

"Remember that party at Cole's house a while back?" I asked her. "It was just you and me"

She looked like she was thinking. "Oh yeah. I got really wasted" she said, laughing.

"And remember that guy trying to bring you upstairs?"

"I remember you shoving him" she said, laughing again.

"That was Mike." I said quickly. Valerie looked at me and didn't say anything.

"Oh shit" she said after a few seconds.

"Yeah" I said back.

"Wait. Does he remember you? Wait and does Maddie know?"

"I honestly don't know if he remembers, he was drunker than you." I said, V nodded.

"And.. yeah I told Maddie but than I ran into her at the pier the other day and she was out with Mike and she accused me of lying and then she basically called me a slut but I forgave her for that-"

"Slow down" Valerie said, interrupting me. I took a breath.

"And I guess they're gonna start dating so I guess she really didn't believe me... or doesn't care" I said, shrugging.

"Hmmm" Valerie said, thinking again. "Look I don't want to downplay what Mike did- but maybe it was a one time thing? We don't exactly know him that well"

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess."

"You seem very worked up about this" V said, raising her eyebrow.

Shes not wrong.

"Yeah.. I don't know why I care so much"

Once I said that I immediately regretted it.

"Maybe it's... jealousy perhaps" V said giving me a sly look.

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