25: story

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Maddie's pov:

Leo and I finished all three movies around 1 am.

Dont get me wrong it was lot of fun.... but I was also exhausted and I fell asleep immediately after.

Leo woke me up at 10 am the next morning by throwing a pillow at me.

"Really Leo?" I groaned. I lifted my head up from the bed and threw the pillow right back at her.

"Come on you can't sleep forever" she said back, throwing it again.

"Okay okay I'm up" I said.

After a few seconds of stretching and yawning, I sat up in her bed. Leo was by her mirror, changing.

"Where are you going?" I asked her. She had put jeans and a tank top on.

"We are going to get breakfast"

"We?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Oh yeah" she said, nodding her head. I groaned again. "Come on you said we would talk, so let's go talk"

I knew I couldn't avoid the conversation forever so I got out of bed and got ready.


Dylans pov

The next day I woke up to an empty house. Like always. I'm grateful for my mom but I do wish I'd get to see her more on weekends. But she promised she would take me out to dinner tonight so at least I had that to look forward to.

I liked to wake up early on weekends to go do something just to get out of the house.

At 7:30 I put on jeans and a hoodie and I grabbed my keys.

I stopped at a coffee shop on the way and got a drink and a croissant. Then I headed to my favorite place.

When I was younger my dad showed me this secret cove on the opposite end of all of the crowded beaches. There was a little dirt patch at the top of one of the cliff sides where you could sit. We used to go there to watch the sunset.

My mom and I stopped going because it reminded her too much of my dad

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My mom and I stopped going because it reminded her too much of my dad. I still went sometimes by myself though.

I parked my car alongside the road and got out.
It was a foggy morning and the waves were huge. I sat on the side with my legs dangling over the rocks and I ate my croissant.

I sat there for about 45 minutes before I headed back.

This was one of the few good memories I had with my dad, so I didn't want to forget it.


Maddie's pov:

"Look I'm not trying to pressure you into telling me anything. I just don't want you to feel like you have no one to talk to" Leo said.

We had gone to Sandy's for breakfast and we were sitting across from each other in our usual booth by the window.

"I know Leo." I said. I took a deep breath and I told her everything that had happened that night.

I told her how I had a really good time at dinner with Mike, and in that moment I thought we would continue our relationship.

I told her that we went to a party after, that I had briefly talked to Dylan and Valerie.

I told her that Mike had left me alone to go play a drinking game with his buddies, that he was wasted by the time I found him.

And then I told her how he grabbed my wrist. How he wanted to drive me home even though he was incapable of doing so. And how he made me feel helpless.

"And then I went outside to get some air." I said, finishing up my story.

There was a brief moment of silence. We were both looking at each other. Leo was thinking.

"Wait so how did Dylan end up with you when I picked you up." She said.

I might have left that part out of my story.

"Oh yeah she had came outside a few minutes after me. I guess I forgot that part.."

"Right" Leo said.

"She kept me company... and offered me a ride but you were already on your way so....yeah"

Leo nodded and studied my face. "That was nice of her"

"Yeah it was" I said back.

"Why were they at that party anyway? I thought it was mostly basketball people" Leo asked me.

"Oh well Valerie knew the guy who's house it was I guess, so they got an invite"

"Ah makes sense." She said. "Well I'm sorry I dragged you out of the house so early-"

"No this was nice. Thank you for making me do this. I think I can finally get past this now" I said, laughing.

I really don't think dating is for me.

"Of course. And who needs men" Leo said, standing up. I stacked our plates and stood up after her.

"Hmm says the girl who desperately wants a boyfriend" I said as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She laughed and we walked out of Sandy's and headed to my car.

"You know now that I think of it.. I'm pretty sure I was asleep during the 3rd movie.. might need a re-watch"

"Leoooo" I groaned. "You're killing me"

"Oh come on they're the best movies ever!" She said smiling.

We drove back to her house and she spent the entire ride trying to convince me.

I eventually caved in.



Hope you enjoyed!

See ya next time brooooos


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