22: aftermath part 1

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Maddie's pov:

I woke up the next morning numb.

After Leo had dropped me off last night, I took some pills to help me sleep because tears wouldn't stop coming to my eyes.

I laid in bed for an hour, ignoring the buzzing of my phone. When I finally decided to look at it, I saw the messages I had got from multiple different people.

Leo: If you don't feel up for the movies tonight, I totally get it.
Leo: or if you want company I'm always around. I Love you

Mike: Maddie I'm so sorry about last night I can be an idiot when I'm drunk.
Mike: I barely remember anything
Mike: I don't want this to ruin our relationship
Mike: please text me back

Dylan: let me know if you need anything

I didn't respond to any of them. I just shut my phone off.

I didn't know how I was going to tell my parents that the guy they hadn't even met yet, grabbed and yelled at me, at a party that they didn't even know I went too.

Frankly I didn't want to tell them. They dont need to know.

A few minutes later I did text Leo back that I would still come over later. I didn't want to be alone. And I knew she wouldn't bombard me with questions that I didn't want to answer.

I was not in the mood to do anything till then though.


Dylan's pov:

Because it was so late last night, all four of us slept over at Kaceys house.

Kacey and I didn't really talk about what happened, and Shane and Valerie were too drunk to remember. We had all just gone to sleep without saying a word.

When I woke up, everyone else was asleep. I thought about the conversations I had with Maddie and I couldn't help but feel guilty about it all.

I mean I know I had tried to warn her, but I still felt responsible.

I hate what alcohol can do to people.

I opened my phone and went to Maddie's contact. The last time we talked was Thursday when we worked on the project.

I wasn't really sure of what to say, but I also felt like I had to say something.

I typed a few sentences, then deleted them, then did that over and over until I finally sent the message.

I just wanted her to know I was there if she needed anything.

After all, I know exactly what she's going through. 



Last chapter was crazy so I wanted this one to be short and slow. Basically the aftermath will be split into 2 parts.

So people keep asking me when updates are gonna come out so I wanted to share some info:

I am officially done with school which means updates will come out faster. Tomorrow I should be able to release another chapter. I will try my best for yall. 😘

However Saturday- Monday will be hectic for me since I'm graduating.. so don't expect any updates.. sorry.

Hope everyone is enjoying the story 💜💜

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