16: one big group

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Maddie's pov:

The next morning when I picked Leo up, she opened my car door with a smirk on her face, and she was wiggling her eyebrows all weird.

"What's wrong with your face?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes and got in the passenger seat.

"Oh shut up, come on just tell me how it went"

She had texted me last night about my night with Mike but I hadn't exactly told her what happened yet.

I sighed and smiled at her. "I... kissed him"

"Ooh La La my little Maddie's growing up" she said, obnoxiously.

"Fuck off leo" I said as I pulled out of her driveway.

"Come on babe you know I'm kidding. I'm happy for you... just a little jealous. I want a hot boyfriend" she added, making me laugh

"What happened to Matt?" I asked her. She crossed her arms.

"I don't know he's just so quiet. It's hard to make a move when he doesn't talk to me"

We sat in silence for a moment while I was thinking.

"Hey what about Cole? He's super nice and he was asking about you the other night"

"The football player Cole?" Leo asked. I nodded.

"He's nice but he's kind of an idiot"

"Oh... yeah you're right. I pretty sure he's in like a sophomore math class"

"Yep" Leo said, smacking her lips. "But it's okay.. I'll just wait till.. college... many months away"

I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder. "I think you'll survive" I told her.

"Speak for yourself" she said as we pulled into the school parking lot.

When we got out of my car we heard someone calling after us.

"Hey guys" Olivia, the new girl, said walking up from behind us.

Olivia was a cheerleader at her old school so we let her try out for the team a little late. She was really good.

"Hey girl" Leo said. "Hey you should ask Maddie what she did last night....or shall I say who she did"

"Leoooo" I groaned, making Olivia and Leo laugh.

I told both of them the full story of what happened last night as we walked into the school building.


Dylan's pov:

The first half of the school day was incredibly boring, so when it was finally time for lunch I was very excited.

Kacey had texted me to wait for her outside her English class, so I walked over there after the bell rang.

A few minutes later she walked out of her class, but she wasn't alone.

"Dylan hey. You remember Olivia"

"Yeah hi" I said, nodding.

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