6: mike

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Maddie's pov:

I woke up the next morning exhausted from the party. My head was pounding and my legs ached. But I had cheer. Fuck my life.

I got up around 9:30 and got ready for practice.
At the beginning of the year we have a few extra long practices every other week since we have new members on the team. Not only do we have to actually practice cheer, but coach also makes us do ice breakers. I hate ice breakers.

Once I was ready, I got in my car and headed to Leo's.

"Hey" she said, getting into my car smiling.

I gave her a confused look. "How are you so chipper?"

"Oh, I chugged a few energy drinks" she said shrugging. "I feel great!" She blinked a few times before turning to face forward.

"I'm not even gonna question that" I said as I started to reverse out of her driveway.

Once we pulled up to the school, I noticed a lot more cars parked in the lot than usual. Then I saw a bunch of guys in jerseys walking into the school. "What the hell are they doing here"

"Oh you didn't hear? Hillcrest academy is redoing their gym so Peters ( the principal) told them they could share ours this week. Now we get to share a space with hot private school basketball guys" Leo said smirking.

"Ugh great" I said rolling my eyes.

"What is wrong with you?" Leo said, shaking her head. "Look girl you need to move on from douchy mcdouche face." I laughed at the nickname.

"I've been over him okay. I just want to focus on school that's all." I said opening the front door to the building


When we entered the gym the cheer team was on one side and the Hillcrest basketball team was on the other. Leo and I went over to our side, dropped our bags, and started stretching.

A few minutes later one of the players walked over to us. I tried to ignore him but he just stood there smiling so I finally looked up.

"Hey I'm Mike." He said nodding.

I smiled. "And I'm not interested" Leo elbowed me and shot me a look.

"Sorry about her she's a little tired this morning" Leo said glaring at me again. "I'm Leo"

"Nice to meet you." he said looking at Leo. "Sorry to disturb you." He turned around and walked back to his side.

"Girl you need to relax a bit. How about a beach day tomorrow to loosen you up"

"Ugh I can't I have a family thing" I said groaning.

"Man. I need to get tan. Maybe-"

"Alright ladies let's get started." Coach yelled, cutting Leo off.

"Fuck I wanna die" Leo said as we walked out of the building. We were both sweaty and exhausted.

"I can't wait to shower" I said wiping the sweat off my forehead.

"Hey look that guys still here" Leo said motioning toward the basketball player.

"Maybe I should go talk to him. I mean he's not completely ugly looking"

"Go get him girl. I'll be in the car"

He was talking to two other basketball players but when he saw me walking over to him he said something to the other guys which made them walk away.

He smiled as a approached him. "Hey" I said.

"Hi" he said back.

"Um- I'm Maddie."

"Mike" he said back. Well this is awkward.

"Look I'm uh sorry about before. I'm just always in a bad mood at practice. "

"Ya of course I get it. Looked like you guys worked hard huh" he said looking up and down my body.

"Ugh sorry I look disgusting" I said looking away. I was a sweaty mess.

"No no I-, you look great." He said awkwardly. I laughed seeing him get nervous.

"How about we hang out sometime, you know when I'm not covered in sweat."

"Ya id like that" he said back.

We exchanged numbers, said goodbye, then I headed to my car where Leo was waiting.

"So??" She asked immediately after I opened the door.

"Relax." I said buckling my seat belt. Leo sighed.

"I got his number"

"Oh my god look at you." Leo said giving me sly look. I laughed and flipped her off.

We started driving back when I suddenly remembered something.

"Fuck." I said when we stopped at a red light.

"What??" Leo said, confused.

"I totally forgot I told Dylan we would work on the project today." Leo started laughing. "Leo" I said seriously.

"Sorry sorry. Can't you reschedule?"

"Ugh no I can't do tomorrow " I sighed.

"Ok it won't be that bad. Just go for an hour and then you can go home and sleep"

I sighed again. "Yeah ok it shouldn't be that bad. "

After I dropped Leo off, I drove home, showered, and then texted Dylan to tell her I'd be over in about 20 minutes. She said ok and texted me her address.

She doesn't live too far away so this shouldn't be too bad. Hopefully.



Sorry for not uploading recently, I've been a bit busy. Kind of a short chapter today but stay tuned for their little study date ☺️☺️

Also whenever I reread my writing I always notice how rushed it seems- sorry if that bothers anyone. Idk how to write stories like this and I also think to fast to slow things down sooo... sorry 🙂

See ya next chapter !! 💜💜

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