1: Dylan

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Maddie's pov:

Today is Thursday, the start of the football season, and more importantly the start of the cheerleading season. I've been on the team since freshman year, and since now I am a senior, I made captain.

Since our first game is tonight the whole team wears their uniforms to school for spirit, which I absolutely hated doing. It was like something out of a tv show. The entire day I have to pretend like guys aren't trying to look up my skirt.

It also gives an excuse for my ex boyfriend to gawk at the whole team....even the freshmen, which is considerably disgusting.

Brady and I were on and off for most of last year but I finally ended things for good over the summer when I found out he was sleeping with some other cheerleader from another school. Ever since then has hasn't really left me alone.

He's the quarterback of the football team, and even though he's hot, he's an asshole. I'm glad I finally dumped him.

Once I finished getting ready, I gathered my school stuff, said goodbye to my parents, then got in my black jeep. My best friend Leo who is also a cheerleader, doesn't have a car so I pick her up and drive her to school every morning.

Once I pulled up to her house, the front door opened and Leo walked out in the same red uniform I have on.

"Heyyy" Leo yelled as she hopped into the passenger seat. "Ready for today? She asked.

"Ugh I never am." I replied

"Come on it'll fine" Leo said tapping my arm.

"Yeah I know." I said agreeing. Leo gave me a smile and I pulled away from her house.


"Oh my god is she trying to make her way through our team?" Leo asked as we pulled into the school parking lot. She was motioning towards a brown haired girl who was sitting on a bench talking to a junior who just made the team this year. As soon as the brunette tuned slightly I could see it was Dylan.

Dylan Moreau has always been popular at this school. She doesn't play any sports but pretty much everyone knows her and unfortunately, actually thinks she's cool. At this point I think she flirts with my cheerleaders just to piss me off. Her charming nice girl act has always annoyed me and she knows it.

I rolled my eyes and looked over at Leo who was trying to hold back a laugh. "It's not funny Leo" I said, annoyed.

"Right no of course not." She says clearing her throat. I got out of the car and slammed the door as I started making my way over to Dylan.

By the time I walked to the front of the school, Lindsay, the cheerleader Dylan was talking to, left. When Dylan saw me with a bitchy expression, she smiled at me.

"Hayes, just who I wanted to see. Don't you look festive" She said slyly.

"Don't start" I said back. "You ever gonna leave my team alone?"

"Ever think that people are just naturally attracted to me?" She said back, putting her hand on her chest.

"No." Leo said approaching behind me.

"Ouch. Always nice to see you too Leo." Dylan said back. Leo gave her a sideways smile.

The warning bell inside the school rang and Dylan perked up with a sarcastic smile.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I have some terrific learning that I gotta get to" Dylan said as she got up.

"And " she said turning back towards us. "No cheerleaders. You have my word." Dylan smiled at us one last time, and walked into the school carrying absolutely zero school stuff.

I sighed and looked at Leo. She raised her eyebrows at me.

"She couldn't stay away from cheerleaders if she tried" Leo said, making me laugh.

"True" I said as we started to make our way into the building.

"See you at lunch?" Leo asked while stopping in the hallway. The hall split to the left which was where her first period was.

"Yep. Have fun in gymmm" I said sarcastically to her.

"Ugh thanks for reminding me. If I'm not at lunch I probably killed myself." She said bluntly.

"Okay that's a little dramatic."

She rolled her eyes at me and titled her head.

"Fine....I'll just suffer on the inside"

I laughed and gave her a little push towards the gym. "You'll be fine. I'll see you at lunch"

"Ok fine, bye." She said before she turned and walked down the hall.

I continued straight towards my class. This was going to be a long day.



If anyone is new to reading this and isn't liking it so far, please give it a chance! I understand how bad this first chapter is but I promise it gets better!!! I also keep going back to try to make it less awkward lol.

Thanks for reading and welcome!

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