19: Look at that

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Maddie's pov:

After lunch I had my last class of the day, history.
Since the project was technically still going on, we still had to sit with our partners. When I walked in the class and to the back row, Dylan wasn't there.

Once the bell rang a few minutes later, she still wasn't there.

I swear I saw her in school earlier. Guess she's just skipping.

"All right yall let's settle down" Mr. Mathew's yelled as he closed the door behind him. "As you know your project was due. A few groups still haven't submitted it yet so make sure you get it to me asap. I'm going to start grading those things tonight"

He handed us a reflection we had to fill out about ourselves based on the project, and right as he finished, Dylan walked in.

"Oh nice of you to join us Dylan" he said to her. She nodded and gave a sarcastic smile in return.

She walked to the back row where I was sitting and took a seat without saying a word.

She had this empty look on her face.

I put a copy of the reflection on her desk but she still didn't move. I tapped her desk and she finally looked up at me.

"Hey sorry" she said, taking out a pen and writing her name on the piece of paper.

I just looked at her. "You good?" I whispered.

She looked at me then started smirking no.

"Look at that Maddie Hayes cares about me"

I scoffed and looked back at my own paper.

I could feel her eyes on me.

"I'm fine. Just tired" she said. I nodded.

After we finished the reflections, Mr. Mathew's talked for the entirety of the class and once the bell finally rang, I ran out of there.

Once I got to my car, I threw my bag in the passenger seat and drove home.

Mike was picking me up at 7 so I wanted enough time to go home, do my homework, and get ready.


Dylan's pov:

When I pulled up In front of my house I was surprised to see my mom's car there.

"Mom?" I yelled once I stepped inside the house.

"I'm in the kitchen" she yelled back.

"You're home early" I said as I sat down at the counter where she was standing.

"It was a slow day today so they let me off a little early. How was your day?"

"Fine" I said back.

"Do you have any plans tonight?" She asked me.

"Yeah I think I'm going out with my friends.. but I can stay and have dinner with you-"

"Oh no Dylan that's okay you go out with your friends." My mom said. "I'm pretty beat so I think I'm going to turn in my the night."

"Okay" I said back.

I don't think she understood that I wanted to stay home with her.

"Just keep me updated about what you're doing okay?"

"I will" I said. I smiled at her and she tapped me on the shoulder then walked upstairs.

Once I heard her bedroom door close, I sighed and opened my phone.

Valerie had texted me that she'd pick me up 8.

I had a few hours till then so I got a snack and plopped down on the couch.


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