3: date with the devil

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Maddie's pov:

It was 7:05 when I walked into Sandy's to meet Dylan. I was honestly a little nervous she wasn't going to show, but I quickly relaxed once I spotted her sitting at the bar stools talking to some guy I didn't recognize. He was wearing a varsity football jacket that belonged to another high school nearby. He had a big cocky smirk on his face and he was leaning closer to Dylan while whispering in her ear. In return she smiled and laughed with him. I decided to just sit down at a booth until she noticed me. Once she saw me she waved goodbye to the blonde boy and made her way over to me.

"Hey" she said nodding at me as she sat down across from me. I didn't answer her, I just gave her a confused look. "What?" She asked me.

"Aren't you like 100% into girls or something?" I asked her.

She gave me a confused look. "Asking for a friend?"

I scrunched my face to which she returned a laugh. "No I mean ya I guess more or less one hundred percent. Why?" She asked still confused.

"So do you just like flirt with guys for fun or?.." I asked motioning towards the football player who was now talking to some other girl at the counter.

She smirked before answering me. "Why, does it turn you on or something?"

"Oh my god do you ever take anything seriously?" I said annoyed.

"No not really. But to answer your question, yes. Flirting with guys makes them act cocky, which makes them buy you things. Plus I was bored, and football players are easy."

"I'm not surprised that's something you'd do" I said as I started to pull out the piece of paper with the project directions.

"You know I'm not as bad of a person you make me out to be" she said laughing.

"Mhm ok. How about we start this project?" I asked. Dylan nodded and for the next hour and a half we were able to get a good portion of the draft done. At around 9 we decided to stop for the night and we both got in our cars and went out separate ways.

***************The next morning **********

Maddie's pov:

"How was your night with the devil?" Leo asked as she got into my jeep.

"It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. How's your partner?" I asked.

Leo looked surprised that I didn't have much to say about my night with Dylan, but it looked like she decided not to ask.

"He's interesting. I mean he's like super smart but he doesn't talk much which makes everything really awkward."

"Well if you ever want to switch let me know."

"Yeah no thanks. I'm surprised you haven't asked Mathew's to switch partners." Leo said as she flipped down the mirror in my car to fix her hair.

"No I wouldn't actually do that, I mean it's only two weeks." I said. Leo nodded.

Once we pulled into the school parking lot, we both finished fixing our hair and makeup. I decided to wear a simple outfit today so I went with a black crop top and light blue jeans. When we both decided we were ready, we climbed out of my car and walked into the school. I had two periods to get through before lunch, which is when I would see Leo again and the rest of the cheer team.


After art and English I walked out to the courtyard for lunch, which is where the juniors and seniors eat. We live in California so it's always warm enough for us to eat outside. I went and sat at the usual table where all of the cheerleaders sit. I took out my phone and was about to text Leo when Dylan came walking over to me.

"Hayes" she said, giving me a nod.

"Look I know we're working on this project together but that doesn't exactly make us best friends." I said, half joking.

"Ya ya I know don't worry. I just figured it would be easier if we had each other's numbers, you know since we'll be working together for a little while." She explained, while stuffing her hands in her blue letterman jacket.

"Yeah that's not happening, nice try though" I said, turning back to my table.

"Oh come on, otherwise how else am I gonna know when and where to meet you? I mean unless you want to talk to me face to face everyday." She said shrugging.

"Fine." I said sighing. "Give me your phone."

Dylan smiled and handed me her phone. As soon as I finished typing my number in Brady walked up behind us.

"Wow Mads I see who've moved on to the school whore huh" he said laughing. Dylan rolled her eyes at him. "Looks like she finished the soccer team and is moving on to cheer"

He had this dumb smirk on his face.

I can not deal with this dickhead today.

"Would you fuck off Brady. How many times do I have to reject you for you to get the message?"

"Oh don't worry I've been plenty busy with other bitches, you know ones that don't complain as much as you." Ok what the fuck. "And Moreau" he said, turning to Dylan, "if you ever feel like straightening out I'm always available" he said smirking, looking her up and down.

"Yeah maybe if I want gonorrhea" she mumbled while looking at the ground.

I snorted but immediately covered up my laugh when Brady gave me a death glare.

Brady looked at Dylan with a blank expression, muttered 'bitch', and then walked away.

"What an asshole." I said, handing Dylan's phone back to her. She nodded in agreement.

"You know I'll never understand why you would ever date him." Now this caught me off guard.

"What do you mean?" I asked, wanting her to say more.

She sighed. "I mean not to say you're the nicest person in the world, but compared to that jackass..I just don't get it. But hey not any of my business right"

I didn't say anything back. We stared at each other for a few seconds before she turned and started to walk back to her table. "I'll see ya Hayes" I didn't take my eyes for her until she was across the yard. That was the first time she I talked to her where she actually sounded serious, and the first time she sort of said something nice to me. I didn't even know that was possible for her, and I'm not sure if I liked it.

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