9: do you know him?

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Maddie's pov:

Tonights the big night. The football team plays our rival school. With the biggest audience throughout the entire season, the cheer team has been practicing for this night.

Even though I have been focused on this game for weeks, of course the day of my mind is stuck on one thing. My run in with Dylan.

I'm probably over thinking every little thing like I usually do, but I swear there was something there with Mike. The way she looked at him. She didn't even make any snarky comment about me like she usually does. She just left.

Ughh fuck my overthinking.

It's probably nothing.

Buuuuut I could just ask her about it.

Just to make sure..


Once the bell rang for lunch I quickly packed my bag and rushed outside so I could talk to her before Leo came outside.

As soon as I stepped outside and saw her sitting on top of her usual table, I slowed my walk down and tried to act normal.

When I got to her table I stood in-front of where she was sitting. She was typing on her phone and I stood there for about 10 seconds until she finally looked up, acting surprised.

"Oh hey. Didn't see ya there" she said smiling. "You know I feel like we're becoming friends. The way you're always trying to talk to me"

"Hm ok. Forget it" I said, starting to turn around to walk away.

"Oh come on I'm just joking. What can I do for you?" She said smirking and tilting her head.

"I.... have a question for you. About yesterday at the beach"

"Look I swear I wasn't stalking you ok I actually work there" she said, talking fast.

"No no not that about" I said, laughing.

"Oh" She looked at me confused. "Mmmmm ok shoot"

I took a breath before talking. "Did you like know that guy I was with.. or something? I just- it seemed like you recognized him and I just- I don't know" I stopped talking and just waited for her to speak.

She looked at me for a second before she began speaking.

"Um ya I think I recognized him from um some party from a little while ago" Dylan said, nodding her head.

"Oh." I said. That doesn't sound good. "Not for a good reason I assume?"

"Well He was just really drunk and he tried to pick up Valerie and he got sort of pissy when she rejected him. "

"Oh. Did he like do anything?..."

Her face immediately changed when she realized what I meant.

"No no nothing like that. He was just kind of an asshole. I pushed him away, he pushed me back, you know. But it was fine, he eventually left." She said, shrugging. "Sorry I- know you guys were like hanging out or whatever."

"No no it's fine. I mean I had just met him" I said. Dylan nodded.

"Well thanks for telling me that" I said awkwardly.

"Yeah. No problem" she said back, her eyes going to mine.

"So.. You going to the game later" I said, trying to break the silence.

"Why? do you want me to?" She said, immediately going back to her cocky self.

"Oh my god. You know I don't know why  I keep trying to have an actual conversation with you" I said. "It's like I keep forgetting that you're.. you"

"Ok ok sorry. I mean I wasn't planning on going. Footballs not really my thing"

"Hm really. I'd assume with the amount of cheerleaders you've slept with, you would at least like football a little bit"

"Oh dam okay, ouch." She said laughing. "I'll give you that one Hayes, that was good" she put her hand over her chest, like it hurt.

"You're so weird." I said, shaking my head.

"You love it" she quickly said back, smiling.

"Whatever. I'll see you- around I guess."

"Yeah ok don't miss me too much Hayes" she yelled, as I walked away.

God she's insane.



Sorry for not uploading recently, I've been busy. I'm going on vacation this week but I'll try to get the next chapter out asap. It will be the football game.

See yall next chapter 💜💜

andddd wow 450 reads??? crazy! Thx yall 😍

Also PS: like I said before pls feel free to comment. I would love to hear from you all 😘

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