4: V

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Dylan's pov:

I walked back to my table repeating the short conversation I had just had with Maddie in my head. I think I said too much. I mean it's not my business who she gets with.

As I got closer I could see my best friend Valerie sitting on top of the table and looking at me.V and I have been friends since elementary. I was with her when her parents got divorced and she was with me when my dad passed and with me through the many struggles I had with alcohol as a result of that. I don't know what I'd do without her.

"What?" I asked her when I finally reached the table. She had watched my interaction with Maddie and was now just looking at me, studying me.

"Nothing" she said finally looking away. "What did that douche want?" She asked referring to Brady.

"Basically if I ever wanna stop being a dyke I can go to him" I said making V laugh.

"I'd love to see him try to make you a dick lover""

"Gross" I said scrunching my face.

"Hey dumbasses" Shane shouted as he walked towards us, Kacey by his side.

We met Shane in 6th grade and we met Kacey in 9th when she moved here from New York.

"Who are you calling a dumbass?" Valerie said, as she stole a fry off his tray.

"My fries" Shane said with a sad look.

"Hey we going to the spot later?" Valerie asked the group.

The "spot" was a local skateboard park that ours and few other nearby high schools hosted a party at about once a year to kickoff the football season. We all get together and people bring food, drinks and of course, weed. Obviously the cops would know about the parties by now, so we've actually managed to keep them pretty low-key, which means no visible alcohol. Luckily the park isn't near any houses so the noise is never an issue. Its a super fun tradition that some guys started a few years ago and we've been doing it every since.

"Fuck ya." I said back to her. "Hey maybe Chloe will be there" I said smirking.

Chloe was a cheerleader from our schools rival. I met her at a different party over the summer. We hung out a bunch and of course hooked up a couple times, but I haven't really seen her much since.

"Mmm I think you have a sex addiction." Valerie said with a serious face.

"Ok fuck off you literally sleep with more people than I do". She looked away embarrassed.

"You guys working on the project today?" she asked while stealing a chip from my lunch.

"Don't think so" I said, moving my chip bag away from her.

"How is working with Hayes?" Kacey asked me while also stealing a fry from Shane. He moved his plate towards him in return.

"Eh it's fine. She still hates me for some reason though" I genuinely don't know why I piss Maddie off so much. I mean I never did anything seriously offensive to her.

"Maybe she likes you" Valerie said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"That's funny"

Valerie paused for a second and was about to say something when the bell rang.
"fuck. I have math."


"Ugh I can't I already have so many. Whatever I'll be fine." She said as she packed up her bag.

"We all hanging out after school? I need help choosing an outfit." Kacey said.

"Oooh yea" Valerie replied. "Dylan can we go to yours?"

"Yea sure. Meet at my car later" I said as I stood up and grabbed my bag.

We all walked in the building together, and then Kacey and I split from Shane and Valerie since our classes were right next to each other.

"You gonna be okay later?" Kacey asked me. She had a worried look on her face.

"I'll be fine kace" I said to her. We stopped walking once we were outside her classroom. She still didn't look satisfied. "I promise" she nodded and walked into the room. I kept walking to mine.

I was actually a little worried about the party later, but I wasn't gonna tell her that. I've kinda been avoiding them since my dad passed last year. I mean I'm good now ya know but still I don't want to fuck things up again. I can't cause any issues again, I can't put my mom through anything else.

Hopefully it will be okay.



This was a bit of a boring chapter but it was the first one in Dylan's POV so I kinda knew it would be slow. Stay tuned for the party chapter, it's gonna be good

(and I'm saying that when I have no idea what's gonna happen)

See y'all in the next chapter!! 💜

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