5: the spot

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Dylan's pov:

Once school was done we all got in my car and drove to my house.

Since it was just my mom and me our house was pretty small. When my dad passed my mom couldn't stand to stay in the same house where he had died in, so we moved.

It was sad to leave the home I grew up in and the place where I made so many memories with my father, but I also understood that it was depressing for my mom.

When we got to my house, we headed inside and up to my room. My moms a doctor and started working more hours at the hospital so the house is usually empty when I get back from school.

"Ok so. What are you wearing?" Valerie asked me, while throwing her backpack on my bed and taking a seat. Shane plopped down on the floor and Kacey sat down next to him.

"Um well I was just gonna wear this" I said looking down at my outfit.

"Boring" Kacey said.

"Boo" Shane yelled, throwing a piece of paper at me.

"Wow thanks guys"

"Ok I knew you were gonna say that so I brought some options" V said while pulling out clothes from her backpack.

"Do you always keep outfits in there??"

"You don't?" She said making a face at me. I rolled my eyes.

She pulled out a black dress that looked like it would fit a 6 year old.

"Ooh" Kacey said

"Sexy" Shane shouted. I rolled my eyes at them.

"V im not wearing that to a high school party"

"Ugh fine" She replied.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? I like this jacket." I said, motioning to the blue letterman jacket I had on.

"I do too but don't you wanna look hot?" She asked. Ok rude.

"You're saying I don't always look hot?" I asked, offended. 

"Ugh of course you do. That's what I hate about you. It's just not fair." She said, turning around to dig through her backpack for more outfits. "Ok Kace let's go do our makeup and then we'll work on Dylan's ok?"

"Yep." Kacey said, getting up and following Valerie to the bathroom.

30 minutes later Valerie and Kacey came out of the bathroom. Valerie was wearing a black skirt, a black top with a black leather jacket over it. Kacey was wearing a lace black top with jeans.

"How do we look?" She asked Shane and I, waiting for an answer.

"Really fucking hot." I said, looking at them. Shane nodded his head in agreement.

"Perfect. Alright come sit, let's do a little bit of makeup"

I usually don't wear that much makeup so when we go out I always have Valerie do it for me. She knows exactly what I want and she's really good at it. By the time we were all fully done and ready to go it was only 7 so we decided to stop by Sandy's to get some food before we headed to the party.


It was a Friday night so Sandy's was pretty packed, but we managed to find seats at the counter. Once sandy spotted us she smiled and walked over.

"Hey guys, nice to see you you all, how are you?"

"Good" I replied, speaking for the group

"How are you sandy?" I asked her.

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