20: A party

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Maddie's pov:

At 6:50 Mike texted that he would be at my house soon so I finished up my makeup and grabbed my purse.

He didn't exactly tell me how to dress so I decided to wear a skirt, a basic black top, and my black leather jacket.

A few minutes later I saw headlights pull up In front and Mike texted me that he was outside.

I rushed down the stairs and was about to open the front door when my parents walked into the foyer.

"Hold it" my dad said. I turned around to face them.

My sister came out of her room to listen in from the top of the stairs. I shot her a look and she walked away.

"Maddie" my mom said.

"Yes?" I said, acting clueless.

"When are we going to meet this boy"

"Mommm" I said, annoyed.

"Oh come on we won't embarrass you" she said, looking at my dad. He had his arms crossed.

I looked outside and saw Mike sitting in his car.

"Look not tonight mom I'm already late but....soon" I said, reassuring her.

She sighed and I opened the front door.

"Bye love you" I said to both of them.

"Love you too" my mom said.

"Drive safe and don't stay out too late" my dad said sternly. I nodded.

I closed the door behind me and walked to Mikes car.

Before I got there, he got out of the front seat, walked around to my side, and opened the door for me.

"Hi" he said. "You look incredible"

"Thank you" I said, and quickly kissed him on the cheek. I got in the passenger seat and he closed the door behind me.

"So there's this restaurant I've been wanting to take you" he started to say. "But if you aren't up for a surprise we can go anywhere you want-"

"No that sounds great Mike. I'm sure I'll love it" I said, smiling at him.

"Okay great" he said and he pulled away from my house.

Once we finally got to the restaurant I was very glad I decided to wear a skirt and not jeans. It was a very nice looking Italian restaurant and most of the other people streaming in were middle aged couples.

Mike opened the door for me again and I walked in first into the restaurant.

It was very darkly lit and there were a lot more tables than I thought there would be.

Mike checked us in at the hostess stand and we followed the woman to our seats.


Dylan's pov:

At 7:45 I was still on the couch. I hadn't even got up to get food even though I was starving.

I decided not to change outfits and to just stay in the pants and long sleeve t-shirt I was in, but I did decide to go to my room to freshen up.

At 8:05 Kacey pulled up in-front of my house in her black SUV. I grabbed my phone and wallet and walked out the door.

Valerie was in the front seat so I hopped in the back next to Shane.

"Dylannnn what's uppppp" Valerie yelled to me through the music.

I turned to Shane. "Is she already drunk?"

Kacey and Shane laughed. "I heard that" Valerie yelled, glaring at me through the mirror.

Once we pulled up to a decent sized house with a whole bunch of cars parked in front, I sighed. Having to watch over my drunk friends wasn't something I liked to do.

Once we all got out of the car and started walking towards the house, I hit Kacey on the shoulder.

"Yo you wanna give me the keys?" I asked her.

She gave me a weird look.

"What you think im gonna make you be the only sober one? I don't even think someone could deal with Shane drunk on his own"

"Hey!" He yelled making me laugh.

"Thanks" I said quietly to Kacey.

She looped her arm around mine and we walked into the house together.


Maddie's pov:

"Thank you for dinner. This was really fun" I said, smiling at Mike.

I wasn't lying to him, I actually had a really good time. I was worried about it being super awkward but after the first few minutes, we were actually able to hold a conversation.

"Yeah it was. And look I heard what happened with that Brady guy-"

"Oh you did did you" I said, embarrassed.

"Yeah sorry I didn't want to bring it up but I just wanted to tell you I really like you. And I want to take things slow if that's okay"

"Yeah that sounds great" I said, taking a breath. Slow was honestly just what I needed after my relationship with Brady.

Mike was just about to say something else when his phone started buzzing.

"Oh sorry-" he said, turning it off. It kept buzzing.

"It's fine" I said, laughing. "I won't be offended if you check it"

" thanks" he said laughing. "My friends are bugging me to go to this party later. It's a bunch of basketball players"

"Oh. Are you gonna go?"

"Yeah I think I'll stop by... obviously after I drop you back home first. And I'm not trying to rush us or anything-"

"No yeah it's fine" I said. "You know.. I wouldn't mind tagging along if that's okay with you. I don't think I've ever gone to a party without Leo, and I love her and all but I wouldn't mind not having to constantly watch over her"

He smiled and nodded. "Yeah I totally get that and I'd love for you to come. Let me just tell them that so they stop bothering me" he said, picking up his phone.

We stayed at the restaurant for a little longer, then paid the check and got back in mikes car.

I was actually really excited to go to a party with mikes friends. I've met some of them but I wanted to get to know him better and I think a party is the perfect place to see who he is.


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