7: study date

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Maddie's pov:

When I got to the address Dylan gave me, I pulled up in front of a small two-story home. The house was white and it had colorful potted plants on the steps.

I sat in my car for a minute before I stepped out. I don't know why I was so nervous. I never get nervous. I guess I've just never really seen Dylan much outside of school, and I haven't ever been alone with her. But it's fine, it'll be fine.

I walked up the steps to the house and rang the doorbell. After a few seconds I heard footsteps and the front door flew open to reveal Dylan. She was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt and jeans.

"Hi" she said smiling. "Come on in"

I followed her to the kitchen which was small but very pretty and clean. We stood there for a moment in awkward silence until she said something.

"Soo.. how was Cheer?" She asked while she opened up her bag to take her computer out.

I looked at her for a second. "What happened to no talking about anything but the project?" I asked, also opening up my bag to do the same.

She sighed. "Fine. Sorry." She said looking down.

Ok I really don't mean to keep being this bitchy.

"It was fine." I said, making her look back up at me. "Now can we get started?"

"Yep" she said, grinning, and taking a seat. I sat across the table from her.

For the project we were supposed to pick a topic and write a thesis in which we would then choose a position for and write a paper arguing our side. Dylan and I chose to write about the war on drugs and how it caused more harm than benefit.

*** An: don't ask about this project i made up I literally have no idea 😭 I know the main point is them spending more time together cause of this project, but I'm not gonna go into much detail about it. It's about their relationship, so sorry if it seems like the project doesn't matter... it really doesn't .***

"Ok so I drafted an intro and im gonna keep working on that, do you want to start researching for the first body paragraph?"

"Ya sure" Dylan said, opening her laptop.

We worked in silence for about 15 minutes until I noticed Dylan looking at me every few seconds from behind her computer.

"What?" I asked.

"What?" She said back. I scoffed.

"You obviously want to say something so just say it"

"Well you said I couldn't talk about anything except-"

"Dylan I swear to god just-" I said cutting her off.

"Okay okay" she said, moving away from her screen. "I just, I saw you with Brady at the party"

"Yeah so?" I said confused as to why she was saying this.

"Nothing nothing" she said, looking down. I went back to typing. "Are you guys like back together?"

"And why is that any of your business?" I asked, annoyed.

"It's not. I'm just trying to understand the appeal that's all. You know since he's an asshole" she said in a softer tone.

"Look I- it's just complicated ok. Can we just focus on the project?" I said in calmly.

"Ya sure. Sorry." She said, going back to work.

"Weren't you with that cheerleader from beaver?" I said, this time starting the conversation.

Dylan smirked before answering. "Jealous?"

"Oh yeah definitely. Who wouldn't want to listen to you blabber for an hour?"

"You seem to like it" she looked at me, waiting for my reaction.

"And you seem to have a thing for cheerleaders" I said. "Almost makes me want to join the soccer team"

"Funny. What can I say, cheerleaders love me" Dylan said, leaning back in her chair.

"You mean one cheerleader somehow tolerates you."

"Oh come on. You're talking to me, that's gotta mean something. And I know Leo's secretly in love with me." Dylan said making me laugh.

"Yeah that's definitely how she feels about you. And let's not act like I chose to be your partner" I said, getting back to the intro I was writing.

Dylan did the same and went back to typing.

We worked in silence for a while more until we decided we were in a good spot to pause.

I packed up my stuff and walked to the front door with Dylan following behind.

"See you at school?" Dylan said, tilting her head.

"I mean yeah we do go to the same school" I said in a jokingly tone as I opened the front door.

Dylan laughed and said goodbye as I made my way to my car.

I got in my car and looked through my mirror to see Dylan closing the front door. I sighed then begun to drive back home.

When I got back I threw my bag down on the floor and jumped into bed. That wasn't so bad. I guess.


An: 2 chapters in two days since I don't have school and I'm bored af. Yay.

See ya next chapter 💜💜

Alsoooo I see people reading so plsss feel free to comment feedback. I won't take it personally. I just want to make sure the writing isn't totally 💩

ok byeee

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