15: 🏀

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Maddie's pov:

After Dylan and I spent an hour in the library, we decided to wrap up for the day. We're coming to the end of the project, which to be honest I'm very happy about.

It's not so bad working with Dylan, but the project on the other hand is so fucking boring.

We both left the library and went separate ways to our cars.

Mike had a home game at 5 and he wanted me to cheer him on, so when I got in my car, I started to drive over to Hillcrest.

Mike and I have hung out a few times but I haven't yet met any of his friends since he goes to a different school, so I was a bit nervous.

But he's a good guy and I really like him.

When I pulled into the lot outside the school, I was shocked at how busy it was. I mean I know their sports teams are good here, but this was like 3 times as crowded as our home games get.

I wanted Leo to come with me so I wouldn't be alone, but her family was going out to dinner so she couldn't.

I parked pretty far from the school so went I finally got to the front doors, I was out of breath.

I followed the stream of people into the gym where the game was. It had been under construction for months, but today is the first game in the brand new gym.

I was shocked when I saw it. It was a double court gym so it was huge, and it was fully decked out with the Hillcrest logo and colors.

It was so echoey and loud, but I managed to find a seat on the bleachers not too high up.

I saw Mike on the sideline holding his phone and typing. A second later I got a text from him.

I told him I where I was sitting and he immediately turned his head and searched the section where I was.

It took him a minute but when he finally saw me, he waved and smiled. I did the same back.

It looked like he was about to text me again but he was interrupted by the ref blowing the whistle. The game was about to start.

I had never watched a basketball game so I was surprised at how good they actually were.

Mike was definitely one of the best guys on the team so he was rarely sitting on the bench. He was also the captain.

With 10 seconds left, Hillcrest was leading 75 to 62 and Mike had the ball.

His face was red and he was breathing hard, as he dribbled the ball for a few seconds to run the clock.

Everyone in the stands was already standing up since the game was basically over. Hillcrest had dominated the whole game.

At the last second, Mike shot the ball from the three and made it in.

More clapping erupted as the buzzer went off and the teams walked to their sides.

Mike looked up at the stands to me and smiled. I clapped for him and smiled back.

I wanted to go congratulate him but the team had to go to the locker room to change first since it was getting late. He texted me to wait outside for him, which I did.

15 minutes later all of the players flooded out of the school. Mike was in the middle of the group.

Once he saw me, he smiled and walked over.

"Hey sorry that took so long, coach always makes a speech" he said, laughing.

"No problem" I said back. "You looked great out there"

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