28: sappy

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Dylan's pov:

When we got to Cole's house, there were more people there than he had originally made it seem.

We had to park down the street because of the large amount of cars lined up outside the house.

"I appreciate you coming with me" Maddie said as we walked over to the house. I stuffed my hands in my pockets as we walked side by side.

"Uh yeah sure, no problem" I said back. "Are you okay?"

She slowed down and looked at me. "Yeah..why?"

"well I don't know you were pretty eager to get drunk" I said in a light tone.

She smiled and looked away from me. "Yeah I guess I was"

She paused before talking again. "I guess I just didn't want to worry for one night ya know. I wanted to go to a party without any guys on my mind"

She looked at me after saying the last part.

"Makes sense" I said.

We continued walking until we got to a house that visibly had a ton of people packed into it.

"Well here we are" Maddie said. "I promise we won't stay for long"

I followed Maddie into the house and to the kitchen where most people were.

She greeted a bunch of football players and a few cheerleaders, and I just stood behind her watching her talk.

"You don't drink at all right?" She yelled into my ear snapping me out of a trance.

The music combined with the voices of loud football guys was enough to make the house deafening.

I shook my head and she grabbed a drink from Cole and led me into the living room.

She sat down on a little windowsill nook and I stood next to her.

"How'd you know?" I asked her. She looked at me.

"What?" She asked. She took a sip from her cup.

"That I don't drink"

"Oh" she said. "Well I don't know.. I've never seen you drink at any parties, seems like you're always sober"

I nodded. She drank more from her cup and looked around the room.


A couple more drinks later Maddie was basically dancing around the room.

She had talked to everyone she had wanted to talk to, and she had gone back and forth between the kitchen and living room multiple times to get refills.

"Hey maybe we should head out" I finally said to her.

"Already?" She asked. Her eyes were widened and she was looking up at me. I held onto her arm, trying to make sure she didn't fall.

"Maddie it's been an hour and a half, and we have school tomorrow"

"Ugh I hate school" she whined.

"Yeah well you're gonna hate it even more tomorrow if you don't get any sleep"

"Ugh fine" she said.

We both said goodbye to Cole and made our way out of the house and down the front stairs. Well more like I walked her down the stairs, and she tried not to fall.

"Hey" she said once we got down the walkway to the house. "You're like my best friend... I think"

She was looking in the distance like she was talking to the trees. I laughed and averted her attention to me.

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