10: but shes a cheerleader

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Maddie's pov:

I walked back to my table to see Leo sitting there staring at me.

"Hi" I said to her, sitting down.

"Hey" she said back. "What were you talking to Dylan about?"

"Oh she wanted to talk to me about the project" I said fast, Leo nodded. "Oh and turns out Mikes an asshole. I guess Dylan knew him" I said shrugging.

"Dam really? He seemed so nice" Leo said, surprised.

"Yeah I know. I thought I actually met a nice guy, but nope" I said as I stabbed my food with my fork.

"I'm sorry babe" Leo said, reaching across the table to grab my hand.

"It's fine. I think I'm just gonna give up on relationships for now." I said, half joking.

"There's no one else you're interested in?" Leo asked, kind of suspiciously.

"...no not that I can think of"

"Ok " she said, looking off in the distance.

Who is she talking about- "hey" she quickly said, interrupting my thoughts. "What do you think of Matt?" Leo asked quietly.

I gave her a confused face then realized who she was talking about.

"Your project partner Matt? The quiet kid?"

"What do you think he's weird? Ok never mind just forget what I said" She said fast, shaking her head.

"No no no Leo I'm just surprised." She looked back up at me. "He's cute and he seems really nice. And smart."

"Yeah he is" Leo said smiling.

"Oh my god you really like him"

"Ugh the whole team would make fun of me for dating him." She said slouching down. Her eyes went wide and quickly sat up again. "Oh my god would if he's not even interested?? They're never gonna let me forget it if i get rejected by Matt Mitchell-"

"Leo" I yelled. "Relax. First of all who cares if the underclassman makes fun of you. We're the captains remember." She started to calm down. "Second, he's not going to reject you okay. He definitely has a crush on you." Leo nodded in agreement.

"And third, I'm really happy for you Leo. You deserve this ok"

"Thanks Mads." She said, squeezing my hand. "And I'm not giving up on finding you someone" she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah ok whatever" I said smiling, and getting back to my lunch.


The school day felt so long since all I could think about was the game later. But when the bell rang I quickly rushed home, dropping Leo off on the way, so I could do all of my homework before I had to go back to school. Luckily it was a home game so I didn't have to drive far.

At around 3:30 I left the house, picked up Leo again, and drove back to the school. We had to get there an hour and a half before the game started to warm up and get changed.

We were the first ones there so we dropped our bags down and started to stretch.

"Hey ladies" coach said to us as she walked in. "How are we?"

"Great" Leo and I said in unison.

"Listen." Coach said, walking towards us. "Im going to be honest since you are my captains. I'm counting on you two tonight to lead this team. I know you always have done that, but I really need you guys to pull through. Not only is this is an important game, but all of the underclassman are probably shitting themselves thinking about this night. I need you guys to calm their nerves ok? Make sure none of them pull anything stupid."

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