14: the library

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Dylan's pov:

When I got to school the next day I was worried to see Maddie.

I may have over reacted at the pier yesterday and I just made things more awkward.

I mean it's not like I don't sleep around, she wasn't lying about that. And it's not like I haven't been called a slut before. But I wanted her to know I wasn't trying to make a move on her or anything.

I'm not a creep and I was kind of hurt she thought of me like that.

It more just made me mad that she thought I was lying too. But whatever, if she doesn't want to believe me what can I do.

The only thing is we're supposed to be working on the project after school in the library and I'm not sure if she's gonna show.

I thought about texting her but I quickly changed my mind about that.

When I got to my first period, which was science, I walked to the back of the room and took my normal seat.

The science labs are set up with tables for two people each, so when Kacey came strolling into class a few minutes later, she came and took and seat next to me.

"Whats up" she said as she put her bag down.

"Hey" I said, quietly.

She gave me a funny look. "Whats wrong with you?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing just tired"

"Mk" she said back.

"Alright yall listen up" our science teacher, Mrs. Mack, yelled to the class. "We have a new student joining our class. Standing beside her was a very pretty girl with brown hair.

"This is Olivia Newman. I won't make her do an introduction or anything but I wanted to make sure you are all welcoming to her. It's her first day."

Everyone nodded their heads and the girl awkwardly smiled at us.

"Alright since we have an even number I'll have to make a group of three." Mrs. Mack looked around the room until her eyes landed on Kacey and I.

"Olivia why don't you sit with Dylan and Kacey in the back corner there" she said, pointing at our table.

The new girl nodded and walked over to us.

The new girl nodded and walked over to us

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"Hi" she said once she got to us.

"Hi" Kacey said back, moving over to make room at the end of the table. "I'm Kacey"

Olivia smiled and her eyes drifted over to me.

"And I'm Dylan" I said to her, giving her a light smile.

She nodded. "Nice to meet you guys"

The rest of the class consisted of Ms. Mack talking about some sciencey thing that I was not paying attention to. I hate science.

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