24: you like her

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Dylan's pov:

"What was that about?" Kacey asked me after Maddie left the restaurant.

"What?" I said, turning to face her.

"Y'all hung out?"

"Oh.. yeah she went outside afterwards and I just went to sit with her until Leo came to pick her up.. just to keep her company" I said, trying to explain. Kacey nodded.

"Sounded like flirting to me" Mac hollered from a few feet away. "I meant everything I said" he said, mocking me.

"Shut up Mac. She had a rough night, I was just being nice"

He put his hands up in defense. "Okay sorry sorry.... she's just really hot" he said, mumbling the last part. I shot him a dirty look. "I'll leave" he said, pointing to the back. He walked away leaving Kacey and I standing there.

I wasn't looking at her anymore but I could feel her eyes on me.

"What Kacey?" I groaned. I still wasn't looking at her.

"Nothing" she said, quickly.

"Obviously it's not nothing so just spit it out" I said to her. Now I was looking at her.

"You like her" she said abruptly. I threw my hands up.

"Okay I get you guys are just joking around but it's getting a little annoying now-" I started to say.

"No-I...I'm not trying to..." she said, interrupting me. I looked at her confused. "Sorry.. you're right, just forget I said anything" she said and she turned around and walked back over to one of her tables.

I stood there dumbfounded.

I absolutely do not like Maddie in that way. And I know that she feels the same way.

I mean all I've done is talk to her right? I haven't been flirting.. that's just how I talk to people.

I mean I guess I have been talking to her a lot... but that's just cause I keep running into her, it's not on purpose.

"Yo Dylan you good" Mac asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. He was standing infront of me waving his hand right infront of my face.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said, pushing his hand away.

I walked back over to my tables to check in on my customers.

I needed to stop thinking about this.


Maddie's pov:

About a half an hour before it was time to go to Leo's house for our pitch perfect marathon, I hopped in the shower to rinse off.

After I got home from my stop to talk to Kacey, and..well Dylan too, I pretty much did nothing. I caught up on some homework and watched some tv with my parents, but otherwise I didn't leave the house.

I knew my mom could tell that I didn't want to talk about my night with Mike, since I could see her occasionally glancing over at me. I'm not sure if she told my dad either, although I'm sure my dad wouldn't be too upset about me not dating anyone anymore. Let's just say he wasn't a big fan of Brady....

After my shower I put on pajama pants and a black crop top tank. Since we were going to be watching all 3 movies, we decided it would be better for me just sleep over, soo I packed a few things in my bag for the morning.

Once I was all ready, I said goodbye to my family and headed out to my car.

"Heyyyy" Leo said, as I stepped into the foyer of her house. She had just came from the kitchen and was holding a big bowl of popcorn.

"You ready to watch the greatest movies of all time?" She asked right before she scooped a big handful of popcorn from the bowl to her mouth.

"Not if you eat all the popcorn before the movie even starts" I said. I laughed and grabbed the bowl from her. She frowned at me.

We both walked into the living room and took our seats on the couch. There were already pillows and blankets set up for us.

The movie was already queued up on the screen and Leo was about to hit unpause on the remote when she stopped. She turned herself more on the couch to look at me and I looked back at her, confused.

"How are you?" She asked, with a serious face. I sighed. "I know you don't want to talk about it, I just want to make sure you are okay." She quickly said, like she could read my mind.

I nodded and smiled at her.

"I'm... annoyed" I said. I couldn't lie to her.

I was pissed at Mike and I was pissed at myself for falling into that trap when someone had shown me a way to get out.

But I didn't want to think about it for too long. I just wanted to start over.

Leo didn't say anything, she just waited for me to talk.

"But I still haven't processed everything fully, and I don't want this to ruin our night. Is it okay if we watch these movies tonight and talk tomorrow?" I asked.

"Of course" she said and she unpaused the movie without another word.

I wasn't even sure of what I was going to say tomorrow. I mean maybe I'm making too big of a deal outta this. It's not like I was in a long term relationship with Mike. I barely knew him.

I tried my best to turn off my thoughts and to just enjoy the movies. But it's a hard thing to do when everyone around you has a million questions they want answered.

And it's even harder when you don't have the answers.



Here's another chapter for yall! Hope you enjoyed and I will try to do another release tomorrow!

See ya next time

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