18: Going out

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****so the next 4 chapters are all in one afternoon/night. I wanted to release them all together so it would make sense. Also the pov switches multiple times so pay attention to that***

Dylan's pov:

"So projects done now huh?" Valerie asked me the next day at lunch.

"Yep" I said back.

"So you can start actually hanging out with us" Kacey said, hitting my arm.

"Hmmm maybe" I said to her, hitting her back.

"Travis invited me to his party tonight" V said, looking between the four of us.

"Yeah cause he wants to get in your pants" I mumbled.

"Oh shut up you're just mad you aren't getting any"

"Well I will gladly join you" Shane said to V. I glared at him. "What? I need a fun night"

"Exactly" V said, giving me a look. "It'll be fun"

"Isn't it gonna be mostly basketball players there?"

"And that all gives us a reason to go" V said, throwing her hands up.

"You mean everyone expect me"

"Hey isn't Chloe's brother on Travis's team? She'll probably be there"

My friends were all looking at me and i sighed. I didn't really give a shit if Chloe would be there or not. I just hate parties. But I would never tell them that.

"Yeah okay fine I'll come"

"Yay!" Kacey said, grabbing onto my arm and kissing me on the head.

I leaned into her embrace and smiled at my friends.

The bell rang and my friends all started packing up. We all got up from the table but i stayed behind.

"You coming?" Shane asked me. They all stopped and looked at me.

"Yeah I just have to grab something from my car first. I'll catch up with you guys later"

"Okay love you byeee" Valerie said.

Kacey turned back to look at me, nodded her head  and shot me a look. I nodded back to reassure her I was fine.

When I got to my car I got in the front seat and just sat there. I buried my head in my hands and sighed.


Maddie's pov:

"So how was last night" Leo asked me.

We were sitting in math waiting for our teacher to start class.

"It was fine" I said back.

I was not going to tell her about dinner. I would never hear the end of it.

"You got plans tonight?"

"Yeah I think I'm gonna hang out with Mike. We still good for the movie tomorrow?"


Leo's parents were going out for the night tomorrow for she begged me to watch her favorite movie. Pitch perfect. All 3 of them. 

"So has he asked you to be his girlfriend yet?" Leo asked right before she bit into her sandwich.

"No..." I said back. "But he is taking me out to dinner tonight"

Leo just stared at me. "You don't sound to excited"

"No I mean he's a nice guy-"

"But.." Leo said, cutting me off.

"He's kind of boring" I said while letting out a sigh. "I feel like I'm rushing things because I want to be in a relationship-"

"Not because you really like him" Leo said, finishing my sentence.

"Right" I said, sighing again. "I feel terrible and I don't know what to do"

Leo looked away to think for a second.

"How about you see how tonight goes. Take it one step at a time. If you still feel the same way, call it off. Don't pressure yourself into dating him"

I nodded. "Yeah.. yeah that's a good idea. Thanks"

"And while you're at it see if any of his friends are single" she added.

"Leo" I said, rolling my eyes.

"What I'm really horny okay"

I scrunched my face in disgust and  continued eating my lunch.


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