23: aftermath part 2

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Maddie's pov:

I sat in bed for most of the morning. I didn't want to walk downstairs because I knew what question was awaiting from my parents, and I didn't know how I was going to answer it.

At around 10:30 however I heard a knock on my door.

"Maddie can I come in?" My mom called.

"Yeah" I said, sighing.

Once she opened the door, she walked into my room and came over and sat on my bed.

I turned over in my bed so I was facing her.

"How was last night?" She asked, gently pushing my hair off my face.

"Um.. it was okay" I said.

She knew I was holding something back. "Whats wrong?"

I just looked at her. I knew I had to give her some of the truth.

"I don't think I'm going to keep going out with Mike" I said, quietly. I turned slightly so I wasn't looking directly at her. She didn't say anything for a moment.

"Aw how come?" She asked, rubbing my shoulder.

Now I had to make something up.

"I think we're just.. too different. It wasn't really working" I said. Not a total lie.

"I'm sorry." My mom said. "You will find the person who's right for you eventually"

I let out a sarcastic sigh and my mom smiled.

We sat there for a moment in silence.

"Well dad and I are going to the plant store. The ones on the deck are all dead." She said, getting up. "We'll be back in an hour or so, text me if you need me okay?"

I nodded my head. My mom tapped my shoulder one last time and then walked out of my room, closing the door on the way out.

Once I heard the front door open and then close, I went downstairs and made myself breakfast.

At around one, I eventually got dressed and decided to get out of the house. I felt like I was going to go crazy just staring at Mikes messages, and I did not want to give in to texting him back.

I told my sister I'd be back in a bit, grabbed my keys, and got into my car.

I didn't have a specific place where I wanted to go and I didn't feel like shopping, so I just drove along the cliff side.

It was super foggy today, so the sky and the water looked incredible.

Once I passed the rocky parts and got to the actual beach where people could swim, I pulled into the lot. There was something else I wanted to do.


Dylan pov:

"Yo Dylan help me run this food" Mac yelled from across the kitchen.

"Yo dumbass you don't have to yell" I said, walking over and grabbing plates.

"Well it worked didn't it" he said back. I made a face at him and  followed him out into the front.

"Kacey 7 wants their check" I said to her as she walked by.

"Got it" she said back.

Saturday is by far our busiest day at the restaurant, for obvious reasons, but today was a little slower because of the fog. We had half the amount of customers we usually do, which is still a lot of people.

But I still liked Saturdays the best because we were all on shift together.

I walked back into the kitchen after running food, and I leaned against the wall. Kacey walked in a second later.

"You good?" She asked me.

"Yep" I said back.

"We gonna talk about last night?" She said lowly.

I lifted my body off the wall. "Whats there to talk about"

Kacey was about she say something when our hostess walked into the kitchen. "Hey Kacey there's a girl looking for you out front"

Kacey and I looked at each other and I shrugged my shoulders. "Okay thanks" she said and she followed her out to the front.

I decided to follow to see who it was.


Maddie's pov:

"Maddie.. hi" Kacey said once she saw me. She gave me a friendly smile which I returned.

"Hi..sorry I don't want to bother you at work"

"No it's okay, what's up?" She asked. She looked a little concerned as to why I was at her work talking to her.

"I uh just wanted to say thank you for last night. I um.. I don't know what happened" I started to say, stumbling over my words.

Kacey had a sad look on her face.

"But um thank you for being there for me.... I didn't have anyone else so I really appreciate it" I said, nodding.

"Yeah of course Maddie" she said, smiling. "You aren't.. talking to him or anything-"

"No" I said, cutting her off. "I mean he's texted me a million times but I've just ignored him"

"Are you okay? Maybe you should get people involved-"

"Oh no that's okay. I mean if I was really worried about it I would.. but unfortunately he's actually a really nice person when he's not drunk so yeah.." I said. Kacey nodded.

"Okay well I just wanted to stop by and say thanks.. I'll let you get back to your work" I said.

"I'm glad you did, and let me know if you need anything" she said, giving me a light smile.

I said goodbye and started to walk away when I saw someone else standing near the kitchen door.

"Hey Dylan" I yelled to her. Kacey had walked over to the front counter so I walked over to where Dylan was standing.

"Hey sorry I didn't know if you were here too" I said. She nodded.

"Yeah.. how are you?" She asked. She had her hands stuffed in her pockets.

"Um I'm...I'm good" I said, nodding. "Um thank you for keeping me company last night. I really needed that."

I gave her a genuine smile but she had a sad look on her face.

"yeah of course"

"Well I should get going, but I'll see you in school Monday" I said.

I started to walk towards the door when she said something else. I turned back around.

"and I meant everything I said" she yelled, and she finally had a smile on her face.

I retuned the smile and tried to stop myself from smiling too much like an idiot. "Bye Dylan" I yelled as I walked out the door.

I got back in my car and sat there for a second. I thought about everything that had happened in the last 24 hours.

I really did appreciate what Kacey and Dylan had done for me. And even though I didn't respond to her text.. I was happy Dylan sent it.

Somehow the conversations I had had with her, were the only parts I wanted to remember about that night.



Update yay! Srry I said it would come out Thursday and that was a lie.. but hoped you enjoyed!!

Love yall 💜💜

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