11: gabriella

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Dylan's pov:

"Sorry for cockblocking" Valerie said to me, laughing.

We were on the way to her house from Sandy's, and I was wondering when she was gonna finally bring it up since I know she thinks it's so funny.

"Fuck off." I said back to her. "Nothing was happening"


"And nothing was going to happen" I said, cutting her off. "We were just talking.
Now stop. " I said, waving my hand around.

She leaned back against her seat.

"Okay okay" Valerie groaned. "Hey you and Kacey got work tomorrow?" She asked, finally changing the subject.


"Fuck. I wanted an excuse not to hangout with my brother and yall are all busy. He's really turning into a little shit" she said, making me laugh.

"I'm not surprised, I mean he is an 11 year old boy. But you know.." I said, smiling at her. "You could always fill out an application. Then you could spend your weekends doing something fun. And plus- Kacey and I will be there"

"Ugh you know I love you but having to talk to people while making minimum wage in an ugly ass uniform? No thank you." She said, as we pulled into her driveway.

I made a face at her.

"I mean.. but.. you're doing a great job" she opened her door and stepped out. "and you look great in that uniform. Love you byeeee" she blew me a kiss and walked towards her front door.

When I got home, I took out the trash and did the dishes before going to bed. My mom worked a lot so I did what I could to help out around the house.

At around 10 I decided to get into bed since I had a long shift tomorrow.

Work was tiring but I loved it. I enjoy the people and I definitely enjoy the money, even if it isn't a lot.


"Hey Kace" I said the next morning, as I dropped my bag off in the back.

"Nice of you to show up" she quickly said back.

"Oh come on I'm only a few minutes late, and it's dead" I said, pointing out to the empty dining room.

"Y'all" our other coworker, Mac, said loudly as he pushed open the kitchen doors. "That old guy that just came in wiped out on the pavement right outside. I wish I got it on camera." He said, making me laugh.

Mac was our age but went to a different high school close by.

"You're such a dick" Kacey said, trying to hold back her laugh.

"Oh hey Dylan" Mac said, turning his attention to me. "Finally showed up huh slacker" he said, hitting my shoulder.

Kacey  snickered as she grabbed a plate of food to bring out.

"I hate you guys"

"Yeah yeah. Help me with this food would ya" I grabbed the rest of the food and followed her out to the dining room. We set the food down for a group of older people who were siting at a big window table.

After a few hours it started to get more busy and around 12:00 the lunch rush started to come in.

The good thing about working here is it's a beach restaurant, which means most people eating here are coming from the beach who are already in a good mood. So most of the customers are pretty chill, except for sometimes the annoying tourists, but whatever.

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