12: pier

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Dylan's pov:

I slept in till around 9:30 the next morning since I didn't have to work.

I opened my phone to Gabriella's message. I still hadn't texted her back. And I wasn't planning on doing so.

I did however decide to text Maddie since we haven't really worked on our project in a while.

The project was due this week so we didn't have much to do but might as well get it done asap.

I just hope I didn't make her uncomfortable in my car at Sandy's. She left kind of quick once Valerie came. I definitely don't need to give her more reasons to hate me.

After I texted her, I went downstairs to make breakfast.

I walked in the kitchen to see my mom sitting at the counter, drinking coffee.


"Oh hi" she said looking up at me, smiling. "How'd you sleep"

"Good. How was work"

"It was good hunny thanks for asking. How was your work yesterday? Sorry I didn't get to check in, it was a busy shift."

"No that's okay. It was... fine" I replied. My mom nodded.

"You have any plans today?"

"I think me and my friend will do something. I didn't really get to see them yesterday."

"Ok sounds good. Just keep me updated with what you're doing"

"I will mom"

Once I finished eating, I went back to my room to see I had new texts. I was relieved when I saw it was Maddie and not Gabriella.

 I was relieved when I saw it was Maddie and not Gabriella

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Doesn't seem like she's pissed off at me which is good.

Alright guess I have the whole day free now.

I texted my friends to see if they wanted to go out. Kacey was sleeping in and Shane was going to breakfast with his sister, but V said she was free.

I put on a pair of grey carpenters and grabbed my black zip up hoodie. I brushed my teeth and then I grabbed my keys and got in my car.

When my friends and I hangout we don't usually decide what we're gonna do. We just drive around.

Once I pulled up to Valerie's house, I texted her asking I was here and 2 minutes later her front door opened and she walked out.

She walked to my car and opened the front door dramatically. She had a hair clip in her mouth and she was aggressively putting her hair up.

"Whats wrong with you? You look like you got hit by a bus" I said, trying not to laugh.

"Funny" she said, climbing in the passenger seat. "I had to watch my brother all day yesterday, he was a monster. Thanks a lot for ditching me"

"What do you want me to do, quit my job?" I asked, as I pulled out of her driveway.

"That would be great." She said.

"You'll never guess who I saw at work yesterday" I said to her.

"Harry styles" she said, perking up.

"No- what's wrong with you" I said. She crossed her arms.

"Whatever. Who did you see" she asked.

"Gabriella" I said quietly.

The car was silent until Valerie started laughing.

"As in Gabriella, your ex?" Valerie asked. I nodded.

She started laughing again and pointed at me.

"Thanks for that, I needed a good laugh"

"You're not funny" I said, frowning.

"Yea yea. What'd she want? She trying to get back with you or something?"

"No. She was just in town I guess. Didn't know I worked there"

"Bullshit she's definitely stalking you. Did you talk to her?" She asked.

"Not really. She did text me after though. She wants to meet up to talk"

"Wait" V said, turning her head to look at me. "You're not gonna do that though right?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Because she's an ass and she doesn't deserve to talk to you. You know I never liked her"

"We both know that's not true"

"Fine." She said rolling her eyes. "I thought I liked her" she crossed her arms again.

"Yeah me too. But whatever it's fine. We don't have to talk about that."

Valerie nodded. "So where are we going?" She asked.

"Oh I don't know, I was just gonna drive to the pier"

"Oh fuck yeah" she said. "I'm gonna beat your ass at the water guns"

"Yeah we'll see about that" I said, laughing.



Hey yall... sorry about not updating 🫠🫠

I swear I'm not making up excuses- my homework the last few weeks has been crazy.

Like I'm graduating soon yet their still giving us hw 🙄🙄

But anyways I'm gonna try to update either tonight or tomorrow because it was a short chapter. The reason I do such short chapters is so I don't go to fast and rush through things.

See yall soon 😘😘


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