27: leave

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Dylan's pov:

I was surprised when Maddie invited us to the game. I was even more surprised that she was okay with just me going.

To be honest I wasn't really sure what I was gonna do if Mike tried to talk to her, but I'm glad to be there if it makes her feel better.

Once I got home, I texted my mom that I would be out for a bit and then I got in my car and drove over to Hillcrest.

I guess for some reason tonight's game was like super important, so the parking lot was packed with cars. I'm not sure who cares this much about high school sports but whatever. I eventually found a spot and then I made my way over to the field.

Since I was there by myself I didn't want to sit in the bleachers, so I found a spot in the corner to stand.

A minute later both teams came running out on the fields and the cheerleaders followed.

Maddie was at the front leading her team.

I stood around for most of the game but I did walk over to the concessions to get some snacks a few times.

The game itself was pretty boring but the stands did erupt with cheering when it was finally over and Williams High had beat Hillcrest by 2 points.

When the game ended, I walked down closer to the field. I stood by the sidelines and looked out for Maddie, she was in the middle of the field with a couple of other cheerleaders.

There were a ton of people on the field but one guy caught my eye. Mike. He was pretty tall so he was easy to see. He was also looking around and his eyes stopped when they landed on the cheerleaders. That's when he started walking, and that's when I started walking. He was already at the middle point of the field on the sidelines, while I was diagonally across from where Maddie stood. I tried to intercept him before he got to her, but he beat me there.

Maddie's pov:

"You guys did great out there seriously!" I said to the freshman that had just joined the team this year.

I was super proud of the team tonight, they all did incredible. I wish Leo was here tonight, she would have been jumping up and down.

"Alright you all are good to leave whenever and I will see some of you guys at Sandy's and the rest at practice tomorrow" I yelled to them.

They all said their goodbyes to me and slowly and gradually left the field.

I was about to text Dylan when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I thought it was her so I turned around with a smile still on my face, only to be met with a tall blonde guy.


My smile instantly faded.

"Maddie I just want to talk okay?" He said.

He didn't look angry. He didn't look like the same guy that was present at the party. He looked like the guy I had spent the day with at the beach.

But I knew it was all the same.

"I don't want to talk to you" I said. I tried to walk past him when he put his hand on my arm. His grip wasn't tight, but he still stopped me from walking away.

My mind immediately went back to that moment at the party. I froze. This time I could have walked away from him if I really wanted to. But I didn't.

"Maddie" I heard someone else call. I quickly recognized Dylan's voice.

She came over and stood next to me, separating Mike and I. She had a stern look on her face.

"You ready to go?" She asked me. She was completely ignoring Mikes presence.

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