Time Off

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In taking time off you begin to learn new things about the time throughout the day that you once used as time for doing something else. First of all, you realize the simple fact that time is priceless. Time is not money. Time is simply priceless. The experiences you have when you open yourself up to being in time instead of trying to move through it are life changing. A lot of people spend their whole lives just waiting for the next moment. I've spent a majority of my life doing the same thing. Time is not to be waited for because time is not waiting for you either. You cannot keep waiting for time to bring you things. You must learn to live in every single moment and enjoy your life as it is now. The second thing I've learned in my time alone is that you don't need the approval of anyone, much less everyone. You don't need to react to anything. You don't need people to know you're there. You don't need to change yourself, your thoughts, your opinions, your choices, your preferences just because you want to be noticed and accepted by others. Simply existing will attract those who do and don't agree with you. There is no need to be anything other than what you are because each and every one of us radiates a different energy which will attract our own kind of people, who see what they see in us. People will always hate. People will always disagree. People will do anything in their power to tear you down knowing nothing about you. To wish for their approval is so bizarre because they don't even care about you in a healthy way. In fact those who take so much time out of their day to comment on you admire you. They are already fans of you. There is no rebuttal that will make people stop throwing things your way. There is no opinion that some people won't disagree with. It is best to simply be yourself and forget about what anybody thinks. To not even reply. To not even block. To not give people the time of day that you could be using to create peace and a beautiful life. Lastly, my time off has shown me that it's ok to start over. It's ok to reset your life. It's ok to never know where you are or where you're going. Sometimes you find that you've hit a dead end. Sometimes you're too busy fighting whatever obstacle you can't seem to get past. Think of it like a water stream. Maybe it's a constant stream of water that trickles down the rocks over a long period of time. With consistency and patience, the water continues over years to flow down that same path, paving its way thru the rocks gradually... but occasionally the water gets stumped. It could be that it just sits in one place too long or that there's not enough water to continue to flow past whatever obstacles the stream of water may reach. In the cases which the water gets stumped due to an obstacle or lack of movement, this water evaporates. Eventually, it will rain, and the water will come crashing down; starting its own cycle over again. Until this water creates its perfect path over years and years of consistently and small changes, the water must keep going. Hitting obstacles, splashing everywhere. Starting over. Staying in place, evaporating and starting over again. It is ok to start over again. You will always have the path you created if you just keep pushing for it. Nothing crazy. One step at a time. One drop at a time. You are much further along than you'd like to believe, and there is no point in thinking about what's at the end because there is no end. Life is infinite even if we die. The Butterfly effect. One small thing creates many unpredictable changes. Your existence forever changes the path of everything. You starting over is you allowing yourself to accept the path you're on and gain even more strength. All this to conclude in three statements that may or may not allow some of you clarity as well; 1) Time is priceless. 2) You don't need anybody's approval. 3) It's ok to start over.

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