I am

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I am.
No matter how hard I try
Without regards to how bad I feel
And regardless of how great I feel
I will always be.
I will be, like the clouds in the sky on a day with no wind.
I am still.
I will be, just as the sun that does not cease to shine.
I am bright.
I will be, similar to the roots of millions of trees.
I am strong.
I will be.
I am imperfect in a world full of imperfection.
I am loud in a world full of noise.
I make mistakes in a world full of wrong.
But I am only human.
You are only human.
Learn to just be.
Existence holds no standard
Existence is but a chance
A chance for me to simply just be.
A world full of similarity would be boring.
A world full of diversity is what we need.
I've learned to shed the layers and sit by myself
And be comfortable with only me.
It does not matter what has been said.
Just so long as I keep going:
Just so long as I keep being.
With no expectations there are no surprises.
Any given situation can be changed by me.
Learn not to worry
Learn to just be.
Be yourself.
Be your mentor.
Be your critic.
Be your safety.
Be your happiness.
Be your love.
Be your guide.
Let yourself fall into place, stop holding on to things so tight.

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