Deeper... Drowning

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Deeper and deeper I go
Into the sea
The floor is covered in shells.
It hurts but
I tell myself pain is temporary; Pain isn't always temporary.
Pain isn't always a cut or a bruise
It's not Something that heals or renews.
Deeper in, past my feet, it's hard to move. I should've dived in.
My feet are sliced but it'll be okay, they'll heal and be fine someday.
Is this water? What we all need?
Why does it hurt so much only for me?
Past my knees I struggle to smile although I'd been faking for a while.
In I go, I can't stop now, there's no other way across the sea, I mean they said there would be waves but it's different for me.
There's plenty afloat, on rafts or on boats, meanwhile I struggle to fight this feeling. Tugging me down. I'm waist deep and soon I'll be swimming, I have to keep pushing through. As the water approaches my neck the current gets stronger, I can't hold on anymore, hold on- hold on- hold on! The voices distract me but not enough.
The current pulls me away. Under I go. I knew this wasn't a good idea. And deeper and further I go. Until finally I let go. I'm gone.

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