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I guess it was simply a figment of my imagination
For I never truly did have the time
For you never truly did care for me
For I have been and may always be
Alone in my heart
Alone in my mind
Alone once again
I remember when I was around four to seven years old
I had a best friend and his name was super dog
Of course he didn't exist on this plane
He was only imaginary
But from talking to me when I was sad to giving me silly ideas
He was more real than some could ever be
He entertained me
He wouldn't ever give me away
He wouldn't ever lie
He would always have my back
He was there when I would cry
Maybe it was stupid
But I stopped believing it
And soon enough with age
He stopped coming around
It's not that I realized at the time
But nothing lasts forever
And I didn't see him again
I started seeing people
And those people seemed to like me
I had friends for a while
But people grow up and people grow out
And again, I ended up
Alone in my heart
Alone in my mind
Alone once again
And when I got tired of being so alone I started accepting more for less
More hate for less loneliness
More drama for less solitude
More friends for less quality
Anything to escape
But I never did escape
Because with each human interaction
I found a new way to be upset
A new way to waste my time
A new way to bring in trauma
A new way to fuck with my life
And eventually I realized something
You are always alone
You cannot trust somebody else
You can't expect that people will be kind
You can't want something and have it so easily
You are undeserving of everything you want that is less than the stars in the sky
That is less than the worth of yourself
And to be alone is to be pure
And to be alone is to be rare
And to be alone is to be different
Because as humans we don't live alone
As humans we don't lie alone
As humans we don't see alone
We see eachother
And we see a separate entity
And we can choose to help
And after help, we can choose to hate
And not one of us is perfect
Meaning all of us are flawed
Meaning some flaws I would accept
And others i wouldn't like
And sadly I cannot accept it
The flaws are too much
Maybe I am too picky
But I'd rather be
Alone in my heart
Alone in my mind
Alone once again
Than to be around something worse than what I already am
But I just don't know what I am already....
I guess I am just a figment of your imagination
Until I'm a main character in life
I am expendable to all entities
You may think of me sometimes
But I am only a thought
Running through your mind
A figment of imagination
Unimportant when relative to your time

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