Chapter 9

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"Okay... Reach out your hand. I've got you." Dream told George who gingerly did as he was told. The blonde gripped his arm and carefully guided the brunette onto the safety of the next platform.

They both felt a sense of relief as they finally headed over to the last part of the obstacle course. Which was a zip line. After checking both of their harnesses, Dream slid down first and landed gracefully on the ground.

"Okay, George just jump. I'll make sure you won't crash."

The brunette sucked in a deep breath and pushed off the platform. He felt the wind blow against his cheeks as he traveled at a fast speed. His body lurched forward when Dream helped stop his acceleration so that he wouldn't end up face-planting on the ground.

"Okay... we did it." The blonde declared out of breath as he helped George take his blindfold off.

The pair were both exhausted physically and mentally. There were a few close calls here and there but they managed to make it down in one piece.

"Great job guys. As a reward, why don't you both grab some ice cream." Philza suggested before making the crow drop a couple of bills in front of them.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Philza then said before the crow flew off and returned to his master.

George was honestly just feeling way too drained to do anything else and was seriously considering just heading back to the dorm to rest. But he didn't account for the stubbornness of a certain blonde hero, who insisted that they treat themselves after such a tiresome day. George was seriously regretting his decision to join the blonde by the time they reached the ice cream parlor.

They had been stopped a total of 10 times on the way there by the blonde's adoring fans who wanted a picture. Dream was in no way humble about it either, always shooting George a smug smile whenever it happened.

Despite all that, it wasn't a bad experience. The ice cream was good and since they were near the ocean, the pair decided to kick off their shoes and stroll down the peaceful shoreline. They had to climb down the insanely long flight of stairs that had been carved into the face of a cliff to get to the shore but it was worth it in the end.

"So have you and that guy you worked with known each other long? You guys seemed pretty close." Dream asked.

"You mean Karl? Well yeah... we've known each other since we were kids. And after my parents died, well... he was the only family I had left." George said.

"I'm sorry about your parents. You don't need to tell me if you don't want to, but what happened to them."

"They died in a monster attack... The heroes came too late and they didn't even seem to care that lives were lost that day. They seemed more concerned about saving face." George answered, his voice filling more rage with each word.

"Is that why you hate heroes?" Dream asked.

"I see them as arrogant assholes who don't really care about the people. All they want is fame..."

"Is that what you think about me?" Dream asked seriously.

George went silent because he didn't want to answer that.

"Never mind... I've got my answer." Dream said as he started walking away from the brunette.

"Dream... Wait-" George tried to call when suddenly a cold gush of wind blew through the beach, sending bits of sand flying everywhere.

George covered his face to shield his eyes from the sand. When the wind finally died down, he slowly uncovered his face and saw that Dream was doing the same.

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