Chapter 26

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"Anything new pop up?" Dream asked Philza.

It's been a week since the incident. Dream has returned back to hero work but he couldn't help this growing feeling of doom in his chest. He needed answers... he understood George's hesitance to find out more about their past lives but he couldn't share the same sentiment.

The director heaved a heavy sigh and shook his head while pinching his nose. "All these monsters spawning, but so far, no incident of transforming into one. How about on your end? Any new memories surfaced?"

This time it was Dream's turn to sigh. "No, nothing... George has been keeping our interactions to a minimum. I think he's worried about triggering a memory. Can't blame him for what he's seen so far... I don't want to do anything to hurt him but I also don't like feeling lost. If only there was a way to regain everything without disturbing him."

Philza then slowly stood up and walked over to the window. He spent a few seconds in silence before opening his mouth to speak. "What if there was?"

"Are you hiding something, Phil?" Dream asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ever since I met Sapnap and discovered his lack of memories I've been working on a side project. A device that could possibly shatter whatever is blocking your memories. I put more effort into the project when I met you, but even after all this time, I found no solution. However, now I may just have found a way to recover your memories in another way."

Philza then turned slightly so he could look at Dream over his shoulder. "Do you remember the power accelerator that was invented a few generations ago?"

Dream nodded. The device was an utter failure. It was supposed to increase a hero's powers tenfold, which it did but only for a limited time and they had to stay hooked up to the device. It was such a bulky machine it could never be used on the battlefield thus it was hidden away and nearly forgotten.

"George mentioned his friend Karl had the ability to go back in time through his astral form. Granted he has never been able to use that skill on someone else but perhaps boosting his ability will make it possible."

"Is it safe though?" Dream asked. George would not be happy if he found out that they had put his friend through a dangerous operation.

"It will drain him yes, but there shouldn't be a problem if he uses it for an hour or two a day. I've already talked to him about this and he has agreed to try, we plan to do a trial run soon. If it proves to be a success then I will contact you privately."

Dream nodded before looking down. Though he was pleased with this hopeful news, the thought of having to keep this from George was leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.


George woke up just as the sun's bright rays started to warm up the darkened sky. His alarm wouldn't go off for another 2 hours but he no longer felt the pull of sleep. So, he simply sat up on his bed and rubbed his eyes. He then cast his gaze on the other 2 beds in the room and was surprised to find them both empty.

Ever since Dream's private meeting with Philza a few days ago the blonde had been unusually distant. Sapnap had also been acting weird lately and it left George on edge. He also had to deal with the overwhelming disappointment that Dream had yet to make good on his promise to take him out on a date. Though he would never admit it out loud, he was actually looking forward to it.

Deciding against laying back down and waiting for his alarm to ring George silenced it and changed into some running clothes. A bit of exercise would do him some good. Not only for helping him clear up his mind but also for building up the stamina that was needed to do his work.

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