Chapter 7

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Philza leaned back in his chair with a frown. "Normally I would scold you about being so reckless and charging at a level 4 monster without any backup, but I'll let it slide just this once."

Dream and George let out a sigh of relief. After they had tucked Sapnap into his bed they had immediately gone to Philza's office to give him the full report.

"So, Dream you mentioned that you remembered something during the fight..." Philza probed.

The blonde nodded, "I saw war..."

"War? That's interesting, normally your memories are wholesome ones." The director commented before noticing how George had stiffened up. "George? Anything you want to share?"

"No, it's nothing... it just reminded me of my memories. All I've ever seen was war and death..." George stated grimly.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Philza said with a sympathetic voice.

George replied with a shrug and kept his gaze to the ground. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Dream stood up.

"Well, Sapnap's out for the night, and me and George still have to grab his things from his place."

"Oh, that's right. Go on then, if anything new pops up be sure to inform me at once."

The two heroes nodded before leaving the office and heading to George's apartment. Luckily for the both of them, the task went along smoothly and they somehow managed to not be at each other's throats the entire time.

When they returned to their room, Sapnap was still passed out on his bed. Dream told George that he was heading out so that left the brunette to organize his belongings in peace. Once he was down, he made himself a small dinner and then headed to bed. The events of the day had tired him out completely so he found sleep easy, but once again his night was haunted by another nightmare.


Trigger warning!

Violence and blood!


This time George found himself running down the hallways of a large castle. He could see the world outside burning and felt a feeling of dread overcome him.

Suddenly he heard heavy footsteps fast approaching him. He ducked down just in time to save himself from being beheaded by an axe.

George took the risk to glance at his attacker and recognized him to be the same man who always ended up killing his lover. The burly man let out a frustrated grunt and raised his axe again.

"You're quick on your feet. But you can't avoid me forever. With the forest burning down, you've lost the source of your power."

George gritted his teeth and steeled his shaking legs before taking off again. Unfortunately, he didn't make it very far before he felt the axe cut into his back. The brunette let out a muffled cry as he fell to the ground. He could feel the warmth of his blood gushing out of him, soaking his clothes and the carpet underneath him.

"Huh... guess you still have a bit of magic in you to have survived that blow." The man scoffed before harshly grabbing George by the hair, making him cry out.

"Oh, how pitiful... The great guardian of the Estel forest, reduced to nothing but a weak sniveling creature, and all because he loved another. Tell me O great one, was it worth it loving that pathetic excuse of a royal Elf?"

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