Chapter 27

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Memory time again!

Warning: this memory takes place during a warring period so needless to say there will be blood and violence.

And in case you haven't read Room for You or any other werewolf stories, here are some things you should know:

*The human can take over their wolf form, and their wolf can take over their human form. This can't usually be forced so they both need to consent to the takeovers. They can also communicate mentally with their wolves and fellow pack members; and can block each other out if needed.

*Packs are led by an Alpha(usually male) and their mate who is referred to as Luna (Usually female). Alphas have the right to choose their Beta, their second in command.

*Werewolves fall into three categories: alphas who are born leaders, dominant, and much stronger than the average werewolf, betas who are the average werewolf, and omegas who are considered the weakest in the pack. These classifications are not to be confused with the pack's Alpha and Beta because those are titles passed down to whoever is considered worthy to lead the pack, though many Pack Alphas are biologically classified as alphas.

*in this Story they don't need to take off their clothes to shift, they keep their clothes on when they revert back from their wolf forms


"Dream wait!" The blonde heard his mother call but he ignored her calls and shoved the flap of his tent aside. He started running off into the forest, allowing his wolf to take over as he shifted into his wolf form.

While his wolf enjoyed the freedom of the run and the cooling night against its fur, Dream hid away in his mind.

"Dream come back, it isn't safe on your own!" He heard his best friend Sapnap call out through their pack link. He offered no response and instead blocked him.

Damn vampires... fuck them all Dream mumbled quietly, his body shaking from grief and the pressure that was now on his shoulders.

This world was not a peaceful one. It was filled with humans and different types of supernaturals such as demons and fae. Humans feared their empowered neighbors and when they started to take advantage of said fear the humans cried out to the gods for help. The deities answer? To bless them with a portion of their power, thus was the birth of warlocks, witches, and shifters like werewolves.

Their presence made the supernaturals back down and find dwelling further away from human civilization. All was peaceful again till the humans started getting worried about their now-empowered brethren. The fear soon overtook them and they drove their supposed to be saviors away.

But the newly blessed would not take this persecution kindly. They gathered together and attacked the humans who had chased them away, driving the survivors into hiding. Now with no one to stop them, the newly powered ex-humans decided to fight each other for dominion.

It used to be a fair fight until the witches and warlocks discovered necromancy. They gathered their fallen foes to become part of their undead army. The zombies may not have been smart or powerful, but the fact that they were plenty and unable to die made them a threat to others, even to the demons and fae who were more powerful than the blessed humans.

It got worse when the warlocks and witches started to improve their process giving birth to the very first vampires. Now these monsters were intelligent, fast on their feet, and extremely powerful. With them as their loyal servants, the witches and warlocks gained the upper hand.

Which brings us back to Dream. His pack was known to consist of fearsome warriors. Many different types of shifters sought sanctuary with them. His father, the Alpha of the pack was a kind man, but a great war general. He had left a few weeks ago to rescue another werewolf pack in the area, who had been surrounded by a legion of the undead.

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