Chapter 16

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Dream and George fall on their butts as their minds reeled with the newly unlocked memories. Dream was able to recover faster and he immediately turned his attention to the brunette who was still trembling.

Dream felt the need to reach out and hug him, but he wasn't sure if the brunette would appreciate it. Sure, they were intimate in their past life, but that didn't mean that he would be comfortable with Dream touching him.

"Guys? Are you okay? You like spaced out for a minute," Sapnap asked from behind them.

Dream turned his head to meet the raven head's worried eyes, he was about to explain when there was a loud rustling of leaves. Everyone in the museum gasped as the tree's bark suddenly split in two and out emerged a sword. It levitated in the air and came to a stop in front of Dream, who gingerly took it. Then the tree started to whiter and all its leaves were blown away by a strong wind.

The museum staff started panicking and ushering people out, not wanting people to see the sorry state their most precious treasure was in.

"Shit!" Sapnap exclaimed when he noticed some guards heading their way. "Guys, we need to run!"

Dream and George immediately got on their feet but when the two men noticed that the brunette was not attempting to escape, they froze as well. Instead, he took a step toward the dead tree and placed his hands on its bark. His body glowed blue as he channeled his powers into the tree. Slowly but surely the tree gained back its life and returned to its previous lush state.

"Magic has allowed it to live this long, it has been keeping that sword safe for its rightful owner. Now that its purpose has been fulfilled there is no longer a need to keep the tree alive, but I can't just walk away. I can't let it live another millennium but I can grant it another century or two."

George then turned to face, "Let's go..."


George was silent the entire way back, Dream and Sapnap did not attempt to start a conversation either for they felt it would be a sin with how heavy the air felt. When they arrive at their hotel room George just quietly retired to his room without a word.

Dream then brought Sapnap up to speed on what occurred at the museum and all the memories that he and George witnessed. Sapnap confirmed that he did not feel any pull to the tree nor had he recovered any memories, but he was happy that they now had confirmation that Dream and George are soulmates.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it... there is no way you guys could have such chemistry and not have history!" the raven head exclaimed. And Dream figured that his friend was delusional. Chemistry? Since when did He and George have chemistry? They've been butting heads since the moment they met in this life.

Though... he couldn't deny that he had been feeling some type of way after receiving his memories. A certain desire to reignite the love that they had before. But was such a thing even possible? They weren't the same people that they used to be. Though George was still protective and self-sacrificing he wasn't the sweet and innocent forest guardian from the past. No, the brunette was quite the spitfire now and could be quite stubborn. Dream too has changed, the life that he's lived this time around caused him to be distrustful and uncomfortable with letting others see his vulnerable side, something that he generously shared with George in their past life.

"Oy Romeo, ya think about your Juliet or something? You finally found your soulmate dude; this is what you've been yearning for since your first memory of them resurfaced. What happened to all the plans for dates and gifts you so happily shared with me?" Sapnap stated.

"It's different Sapnap..." Dream breathed out.

"Ah..." Sapnap sighed as he fell onto the couch. "Let me guess... it's finally hitting you that there is a possibility that George wants nothing to do with you despite your history. You've planned on spoiling and loving your soulmate the minute you found them but never thought about whether or not they would be okay with that."

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