Chapter 22

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Waking up feeling refreshed was something that George had sorely missed. He had managed to get a semblance of it lately in the dorm, with Dream sleeping soundly a couple of feet away from him. He lost it when Dream ended up in the hospital, and regained it now that he knew that the blonde would be okay.

It was easy to tell that it was now morning with how loud the morning birds were singing their songs, and the low rumbling of people and cars rushing on their way. The brunette paid no mind to it, choosing to keep his head where it was and listen to the steady beat of Dream's heart.

He closed his eyes and let out a sigh of contentment. A hand flew to his brunette hair and its fingers massaged his scalp.

"Good morning, you slept well. I'm starting to think that all you need for a good night's sleep are cuddles." Dream pointed out haughtily.

"Brilliant observation, I'll ask Sapnap if he's willing to be my cuddle partner from now on since I don't want to keep feeding your gigantic ego with the satisfaction of helping me."

"Tempting offer George, but I'm afraid that I'll have to decline." A voice responded.

The pair jumped at the intrusion and turned to see Sapnap standing by the doorway, looking both relieved and smug.

"By the Fates, don't sneak around like that. How long were you even listening in?" George asked, his face flushed.

"Long enough," the raven head responded as he stepped into the room and shut the door. "Glad to see that you two never change. One moment you're at each other's throats, then the next you're snuggling."

"Is there a reason why you're here? Or have you just decided to be a nuisance?" Dream asked, rather annoyed that their cuddling session was cut short. He was already missing the brunette's weight on him.

"I came to bring George breakfast and hopefully convince him to take a break from watching you. But I see that being separated from each other is the last thing you guys wanna do right now..."

"That's where you're wrong, I would love to take a break. He's been awake for no less than a few hours and I'm already tired of his smugness." George declared playfully as he got up from the bed.

"What about your breakfast?" Sapnap called after him.

"Give it to Dream, I'll head back to the dorm and freshen up."

"Yeah, keep acting like you hate me, Darling, I know you'll be looking for me tonight." Dream quipped.

George childishly stuck out his tongue at the blonde before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

"Seems like you two are making progress," Sapnap pointed out with a teasing tone while wiggling his eyebrows.

Dream wanted to shoot back with a playful comment but instead, he found himself frowning. Noticing the change in atmosphere Sapnap took on a serious expression as well and waited for his best friend to speak.

"Not enough to my liking..." Dream breathed out.

"Were you expecting to cross all the bases already?" the raven head quipped.

Dream's cheeks flushed and he threw his pillow at Sapnap. "Get your mind out of the gutter you idiot! I wasn't even thinking about that."

"Geez! You woke up and chose violence. What's wrong Dream, didn't get enough morning cuddles?"

"Just shut up!" the blonde snapped, exasperated.

Sapnap stepped forward and returned the pillow. "Ok in all seriousness Dream, what were you expecting?"

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