Chapter 1

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An: This story will feature a lot of flashbacks, memories, dreams, and nightmares. To hopefully make things less confusing I will be centering the text for these occasions while the main story will remain flush left.

"Alright my little Georgie, what story would you like to hear about tonight?"

"I want to hear about the red string of fate!" Little George exclaimed as he jumped onto his bed.

"The red string of fate? Where did you hear about that?" His mother asked as she tucked her son in.

"Our teacher told us about it today."

"Ah, I see... well the strings of fate are what the goddess of fate uses to connect lives. All the people you have met and will meet in the future have all been planned out by the goddess before you were born. Now all the strings she uses to connect your soul to your friends and family are silver-"

"But Mum, where's the red string?" George interrupted.

"Patience little one, I'm getting there. Now the red string is special because the goddess uses it to connect soulmates."

"What's a soulmate?"

"A soulmate is someone very special George. It is the soul that the goddess of fate has bound with your soul. Whenever you are reborn, they will be too, and one way or another, you will find each other. They will accept you, flaws and all. They will love and cherish you no matter how hard times may get, and they will always be there for you so you will never feel alone. They were made by the deities for you, just like you were made for them."

"So like you and Dad?" George asked.

"Yes Sweetheart, just like me and your dad."

"Will I meet my soulmate soon Mum?"

George's mum smiled at her son and leaned down to peck his forehead. "I hope you do little one..."


George woke up with a start, then let out a long sigh. It's been a while since he had a nice dream.

His sleepy eyes flitted over to his alarm clock and he groaned when he realized that he had woken up earlier than usual.

Might as well get up and start the day... the brunette decided. He sat up and the sleep out of his eyes, before starting his morning routine of freshening up and eating a hearty breakfast. He dressed lightly, before putting on a hoodie and his sunglasses.

Once he's ready he locks up his apartment and starts the long walk to work. Despite it being still pretty early, there were a lot of people already walking around, probably also trying to get to their workplaces like he was.

Just as he was crossing a large open park, sirens suddenly went off.

"Attention to all! There is an unusually high concentration of mythisma in the area... please clear the area immediately." A robotic voice announced, causing everyone to slightly panic as they tried to follow instructions without causing a stampede.

Suddenly a dark purple whirlwind started near one of the fountains, followed by a rumble of thunder. The whirlwind then exploded revealing a kraken who let out a mighty screech. His large tentacles smashed the ground, causing the cement to crack under the pressure.

"A monster of legend has appeared. Danger level 2! Please calmly proceed to the nearest shelter. The heroes are on their way." The same robotic voice announced though it was unnecessary. The mere sight of the monster was enough to send everyone in the area scrambling to the nearest safe house.

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