Chapter 4

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"Um... shouldn't we do something?" Wilbur asked Philza while staring at the arena in disbelief.

George and Dream had only been battling for 3 minutes and already the entire battle arena was in shambles. The ground was spit open in several places, jagged rocks and severed vines littered the area.

Yet the two men fighting were unaffected by the chaos around them as they continued to swing at each other relentlessly.

Dream had to admit, he didn't expect George to be this good. Even though the brunette never had any formal combat training, he still managed to keep the experienced hero on his toes. Dream couldn't risk relaxing or losing focus for a single second as he tried again and again to close the distance between them.

But every time that he got close enough George would push him away by building a rock barrier or using tree roots and vines to swat him back.

George was also getting very frustrated at the blonde. He knew that Dream was known most for his agility but he didn't expect the blonde to be so nimble. Every time that he tried to attack, the blonde would either dodge it completely or use it as a launching pad to shoot himself towards the brunette.

"At this rate, they'll either kill each other or completely destroy the arena." Wilbur pointed out. He wasn't usually interested in these duels, but this one had everyone in the audience on the edge of their seats. Even Techno seemed to be watching the battle with interest.

"Don't worry, I've alerted the containment teams to fortify the barrier. So, all damage will be contained within the battle arena only." Philza reassured. "And as for them killing each other, meh I'm not worried. It's physically impossible for them to do any permanent damage."

"Are you sure? They seem to have no qualms with attacking at full strength." Techno commented.

Philza merely chuckled in response. "Just watch my friend."


George was starting to feel the toll of overexerting himself. He had never used his powers this much before, and his body was screaming out for rest. But the brunette could not do so, not with Dream quickly chipping away at the wood barricade that he created.

The brunette tried to conjure up a plan but his thought process was interrupted when Dream finally broke through his defenses and landed right in front of him.

Dream then raised his axe intending to use the blunt side of the weapon to knock George out. But just as he was about to swing his weapon down his body suddenly froze up, as if paralyzed by magic.

Dream grunted and tried to move, but he just stood as still as a statue. George, not fully understanding what was happening, saw this as an opportunity. With the little strength he had left turned his hand into rock and punched the blonde hard in the stomach it sent Dream flying a couple of feet before he curled up in pain on the ground.

George felt pride swell up in him for finally landing a clean hit on the blonde as a healer quickly made their way over to Dream. Suddenly a terrible pain took hold of him. He felt like his lungs were being crushed and crumbled to the ground in agony.

The entire audience, including Dream looked at George in confusion. Dream had not caused the pain so what was happening?

"That's enough!" Philza then spoke up in a loud voice. He then stretched out his large wings and gracefully landed in the arena. He made his way over to George who was still panting from the intense spasm of pain, and helped him up.

"This, my dear heroes, is why you do not attack your soulmate." Philza then announced to the crowd.

"Huh?" George and Dream exclaimed at the same time.

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