Chapter 13

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"I don't like this Dream..." Sapnap commented.

"Allowing outsiders into our kingdom could help boost our economy, Sapnap." Dream reasoned.

"It would also open our doors to spies. Seth has made a lot of enemies since he started his campaign to expand his empire, and you know that this land has been sought after by many as well. We aren't strong enough to defend ourselves just yet. What if we get attacked."

Dream sighed and fell back on his chair. It certainly was a risk to open their still-developing kingdom to visitors. Was it a risk that he was willing to take or should he remain wary and keep the borders closed? As Sapnap said, they weren't ready for an attack, and with them being so far away from the capital, it would take weeks just for reinforcements to arrive.

Just then there was a knock on the door. Dream told them to come in and the second that he saw who it was he felt all his worries fly out the window.

"George, what is it?" The elf asked.

The brunette shyly stood at the doorway, a tray of tea and treats in his hands. "Uhm... they told me that you two have been cooped up in here all day. I figured you could use a break."

Dream and Sapnap shared a look before they turned their attention back to George and gave him a gentle smile.

"Thank you, George... we appreciate it."

The brunette quickly approached them and set up the food and drinks on the desk.

"So what has been keeping the both of you so busy?" He asked.

The pair then quickly informed him about the issue.

"Perhaps it would be best to hold off on the idea. At least just until you have defensive measures in place. Yes, the risk is still there, but if we are cautious enough, we could lower the chances of being attacked." George suggested.

"What do you have in mind?" Sapnap asked.

"Well... why not ask Emperor Seth to send you guys more soldiers to help defend the territory? Dream may be king, but this kingdom is still part of Seth's territory. Surly he wouldn't want to lose it to a rival kingdom. Then set aside some time to train and build up your own troops you both are capable fighters and I am sure that you would make great instructors. In the meantime, I will also do my part to manipulate the valley to become more defensible."

"What are you planning to do?" Dream asked curiously.

"I could recruit some creatures of the valley to be hidden sentries. Maybe make the mountains surrounding this valley taller, steeper, and overrun with poisonous and thorny plants to make it more dangerous to sneak in from the outside. Setting up pitfalls and other kinds of hidden traps would be a good idea too. Oh, and I could also make a hidden tunnel system to serve as a bunker and escape route in case we ever get surrounded." George stated, making the two other men nearly choke on their tea.

"You would go as far as to change the structure of this place?" Sapnap cried in disbelief.

"Well, I have the power to do so, so I don't see a reason why not to use it. It is how I defended this place before you guys arrived after all."

"Wouldn't that put a strain on your body? Your power has already been significantly weakened due to us clearing a portion of the valley to build the village." Dream asked.

"I can handle it. This land is the home of everything I hold dear, I will do whatever is needed to protect it." George declared with determination.


"I'll be fine Dream," George said, cutting the elf off.

Dream let out a sigh and then stood up from his desk. "Can I take a quick break, Sapnap?"

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