Chapter 31

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A longer Chapter to make up for not updating for a while. Oh and it gets spicy near the end, this is your smut warning so skip or enjoy!


"Yes... I have. And I need your help regarding this matter..." George said as he reverently lowered his gaze, as he was taught to do by his clan when facing a witch or a warlock.

"You know her?" Dream asked.

"She's the witch I told you about, the one who created necromancy..." George answered.

"Created is a strong word...stumbled upon and refined is more like it. But that's not important right now, I have an idea of why you need my help and we need to act fast. Follow me..." Kristen said as she led the two up a rocky pathway and led them inside the cave where a harpy was tending to a small fire.

"You're back, and I see you've brought a guest." The harpy said as he stood to greet them.

"My name's Philza," he introduced, and by his scent, Dream knew that he was standing before the missing harpy leader.

Dream and George introduced themselves and explained their reasons for finding them.

"I have no intention of returning to my flock. I am happy living with Kristen far away from the war." Philza informed Dream once they were through.

"I won't force you to return to your flock, but you must understand that they will not give up the search for you so easily."

"They will if they believe I am dead," Philza said before plucking out a few of his feathers. "Give this to them and they will recognize them as mine. I'll leave the story of my death up to your imagination."

"You need to leave Dream..." George suddenly said while tugging on the wolf's sleeve.

"What do you mean?"

"Listen," George hissed and so he obeyed.

Somewhere in the distance, he could hear the patter of paws hitting the ground and the howls of his team. They had probably heard the explosion earlier and had come to check on him.

"We can't let them find us," George says.

Dream cups his face."But I don't want to leave you, not when we haven't seen each other in so long," he grumbled selfishly.

"It will take a while to break his connection to his master and even longer to fully erase her hold on him. It may take a few days; you can't stay away from your team that long." Kristen pointed out as she grabbed a couple of herbs and random items to use for the ritual.

Dream knew he had to go, but his desire to stay with his mate overwhelmed his sense of reason.

"They need you," George said before pressing their foreheads together. "I'll go to you when I'm done here. Check the tree for my signal."

Another desperate howl echoed through the night as the search party started getting frantic with their leader not answering their calls. Dream groans then pulls George in for a quick kiss.

"Stay safe..." He whispers before leaving the area with Philza's feathers in hand.

His heart ached and his body got heavier with each step that he took away from his mate, but he kept pushing forward. When he was far enough, he lifted his head to the moon and let out a howl, alerting his team to his location.


"I'm sorry, there was nothing I could do," Dream said in the best apologetic voice he could muster as he handed Philza's feathers to the harpies.

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