Chapter 14

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"My King, Emperor Seth's troops have been delayed. There is no news on when they might make it here." a messenger shouted as he burst into the room.

And just like the solemn atmosphere in the room turned even more dreary. Hope was completely washed out of their eyes.

Dream's thoughts started racing a mile a minute. No news on when reinforcements would arrive, and enemy troops were merely a few days away. What now... how was he supposed to protect his people? Suddenly a warm hand rested on his, Dream glanced to the side to see George look at him a glint of determination still in his eyes.

It was enough to bring back his spirits.

"Our allies are not coming, but that doesn't mean that this situation is hopeless. We can still win this war, or at least drag it out as long as need to till help arrives. In case of a siege, we are completely self-sufficient. There is only one way in and out and that is through the ravine, which is narrow enough for an ambush. We'll send a team of riders out to draw them in, once in the ravine we shower them with arrows and pick the rest off by sword." Dream said in a voice full of authority.

"I'll create trenches in the ravine walls where you can hide, and a couple of tunnels where the rest of you can lie in wait," George suggested.

Dream shot him a thankful smile before glancing over at Sapnap. The raven head looked at the two men whom he now considered his closest friends. A smile slowly stretched across his face, 

"I'll rally the troops and relay the plans tonight. We may be outnumbered but with your plan, we might have a fighting chance. But we need to be careful... if they can figure out a way to bypass the ravine altogether we are in trouble."

"I'll have my people stationed around the mountains. They are to inform me if they see anything suspicious." George said.

"Then I guess we're all set," Sapnap declared as he stood up. The rest of the advisors also stood up and after bowing towards Dream and George, left the room quickly.

Once the door shut Dream released a slow breath, letting all the tension out of the body. Seeing this George stood up and walked over to him so he could massage his shoulders.

"We'll get through this..." George said.

Dream didn't want to admit it, but he was tired and scared. All those years before in battle he had nothing to lose. But now he had a kingdom... he had George... he feared the possibility of not being able to return home safely. The blonde elf clenched his fist and tried to steady his heart. No matter how he felt at the moment, it was his duty to lead his men. His heart may be shaking in fear but he would not let it show, for the sake of his people and George he refused to let this emotion paralyze him. He would fight, and he would do his best to win.


Dream sat tall upon his horse, hiding away all emotion to put on a brave front as he waited by the entrance of the ravine. With him was Sapnap and 8 other men on horses. Together they would lead the enemy to their trap which they desperately prayed would work.

The men waited till they could see a cloud of swirling dust in the distance. One of the riders then reached for his horn and blew. A signal for everyone to get ready and also a very good tactic to capture the enemy's attention.

"Steady men..." Dream said.

He could hear the shouts of the enemy as they waged closer. The distinct sound of arrows flying then came, Dream and his men lifted their shields and blocked each one. They continued to wait in their place till they could almost make out the features of the enemy's faces. Once they were close enough Dream spun his horse around and rode into the ravine. His men were not far behind.

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