Chapter 10

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Dream felt a pair of lips lightly travel down his neck and smiled.

"Good morning Your Majesty..." a sweet voice that tugged at his heartstrings greeted.

"Are you planning to spend the day in bed, or will you take pity on Sapnap and actually do your kingly duties for once." His lover continued.

"A few more moments, My Love." Dream sleepily replied.

"Sapnap's going to throttle you. Very well then, you can lay down and sleep the day away. I need to tend to the forest-"

Without opening his eyes, Dream reached out and grabbed his lover's wrist. He tugged his beloved back onto the bed and imprisoned them with his arms.

"Dream, we can't just lay here all day."

"I am the king... and I do what I want in my kingdom."

"Well if you want to be a lazy oaf... then do so. But leave me out of it." His lover declared before trying to escape the blonde's embrace.

Dream immediately rolled over to lay on top of his love.

"You are crushing me." The voice whined.

Dream didn't respond nor open his eyes, he merely raised his head and kissed a sensitive spot on his lover's neck, making their breath hitch.

"I am your king... I own you. Were those not the words you told me when we first met?" Dream whispered huskily in his lover's ear.

"Dre-" The person tried to argue but was cut off when Dream's lips met theirs.

"And as your king, I order you to spend one day with me being completely indolent. Am I understood, My Love?"

Dream finally pulled away to look at his lover's face. But this time it was different. Their face was no longer blurred or hidden.

Brown hair, and dazzling brown eyes... cheeks flushed and mouth slightly open in a pant.


But Dream didn't have time to be confused, for the brunette had hooked a hand around his neck to drag him down for a kiss, and all the blonde could do was try not to moan in response.

"You are a terrible man, Dream." George responded; his voice heavy with need. Then everything faded away.

When Dream opened his eyes, he found himself in the institute's clinic. He didn't know how he got here, but he was grateful to have faced such a challenging foe and survived. Panic filled his heart when he suddenly remembered George.

He nearly shot out of bed to look for the brunette when he noticed the head of brown hair resting on his chest. His heart started beating triple time as he tried to make sense of how they ended up in this position.

Suddenly the brunette started to stir. The blonde had half a mind to close his eyes and pretend that he was still asleep, but it was too late. George groggily lifted his head and yawned before sitting up. He appeared to be disoriented at first, but his mind slowly cleared after he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

Their eyes met, and the heat traveled from their necks up to their cheeks.

George was panicking, not understanding why they were placed on the same bed. He jerked over to the side of the bed in his embarrassment, not realizing that he was already at the edge till it was too late.

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