Chapter 29

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"I'm heading off on my nightly patrol," Dream told Sapnap as he stretched out his limbs to prepare to shift.

His Beta cocked an eyebrow at this. "You've been patrolling every night for the past few months."

"I just want to make sure that we're safe. Besides, the elders are watching."

"Screw them, you're pushing yourself too hard Dream. Take a night off and let me take your shift tonight."

"I'm fine Sapnap... besides a run always refreshes me. Mathias needs his time as well."

Dream could tell his best friend was getting suspicious of his nightly excursions, but he was grateful that his friend hadn't bothered prying too much into it. Sapnap breathed a tired sigh and told Dream to be safe before turning and walking away.

The blonde watched his friend go before shifting into his wolf form. He wanted to rush to the tree to check for the sign but knew that he needed to do his duties if he didn't want to arouse any more suspicions. So, he did a round around the territory before heading to the tree.

He approached it sneakily, wanting to avoid attracting attention from a passing sentry. His face broke into a wolfy smile and his tail started wagging like crazy when he noticed his ribbon missing. The wolf immediately turned on his heels and dashed to the meeting spot, his heart pounding louder when his nose picked up the delectable scent of his mate.

When he reached the meeting spot, he crouched down and started stalking up to the bush playfully, hoping to surprise his mate. He peeked around the bush to find his mate waiting patiently for him with his guard completely down. Dream and Mathias shared a quiet mischievous chuckle before leaping out to tackle his mate. He caught the vampire by surprise, but George had a good reaction speed and quickly zipped out of the way causing Dream to miss his landing and roll across the forest floor till he bumped into a tree.

George smirked at the silly wolf who lay deflated on the ground with a grumpy pout. "Nice try Dream, but I'm just too fast for you."

Dream shifted back to his human form with a pouting face and a hand clutched to his side. 

"What a lovely mate I have, he teases me when I'm hurt." He mumbles in fake sadness.

"You just tried to tackle me, you idiot! And I know that your so-called injury is nothing serious."

Dream lay down on the ground and whined while looking at George with puppy eyes. The vampire had to stifle a laugh; the big bad alpha was a clingy puppy around him.

"I'm really hurt you know; it might bruise. I need my mate to comfort me."

"Aww you poor baby, I guess we can't hang out today since you're hurt. I'll help you back to your pack, before heading home." The brunette vampire cooed as he messed with the Alpha's hair.

"Nooo... don't go..." Dream whined as he clung to George's leg like a brat.

"But you said you were hurt..."

"I'm okay now, I just need a hug," Dream said, his eyes sparkling.

George huffed and shook his head in amusement before reaching down to take his childish mate into his arms. But Dream stopped him with a hand, causing the vampire to shoot him a confused look.

"Not here, follow me..." Dream said before getting up and taking his mate's hand. Their fingers intertwined perfectly making the pair smile down at their joined hands before the alpha started leading his mate away.

They walked in silence till they came upon a hill carpeted in wildflowers, with the perfect view of the night sky as their ceiling.

"Oh Dream..." George gasped as he let go of the blond's hand and ran up the hill, his face in awe at the majestic sight.

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