Chapter 8

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"You are in no condition to fight Sapnap. Just take a day off," George insisted as he tried to push the tired raven head back to his bed.

The fire mage had joined them shortly after their banter started, still looking exhausted despite getting a good night's sleep. He had barely been able to finish his breakfast without nodding off a couple of times.

"Nah... I good dude... me work..." Sapnap said practically falling asleep already.

Dream would have found the raven head's state hilarious if he wasn't so worried. He has never seen Sapnap this drained, not even after a full day of work.

"If you think I'm going to let you work in that condition, you are sorely mistaken." Philza declared suddenly popping into their bedroom and startling everyone.

"Phil, could you at least knock? That way you don't scare us half to death."

"I did, but nobody answered... again." The director said, before turning his attention back to the fire mage. "Sapnap, just stay here and rest. You would be no use to your team if you were to encounter a monster during your patrol in this state."

Sapnap let out a sigh and reluctantly agreed to stay behind. Once he was back in bed the three other men decided to reconvene in the living room.

"So did you need something, Phil?" Dream asked.

"Yes, I was going to ask you two if you were interested in some combat training," Philza informed.

"Training?" George repeated.

"Well as much as you two want to deny it, you two are soulmates in this life. And I am sure that you are both aware of just how much stronger heroes can get when they work with their fated pair. Normally this ability to work together comes naturally, because of the memories that they retained from their past life. Unfortunately for you two, you were not blessed with such a luxury." Philza paused to make sure that they were following.

"So we will have you learn how to work together the old-fashioned way. You need to learn about each other's abilities, your partner's limits and weaknesses, their body language, the way they fight, be able to predict each other's movement and so much more. So... what do you think?"

Dream let out a disgruntled grunt. Yes, he and George have managed not to kill each other so far, but learning to fight together may just be the trigger that breaks their already fragile relationship. If you could even call it a relationship. A mutual, silent agreement not to get in each other's way would be a better term, to be honest.

They were just too different. Their personalities clashed badly, and so did their fighting style. Dream's instinct to give order and lead also did not go well with George's stubbornness. Unless it was a life or death situation with no other outs, the brunette would most likely not even entertain the idea of following his orders.

Still, if this made him a better fighter, Dream was willing to swallow down his pride. Just this once. "I'll do it," he replied before shooting George a look as if challenging him to say no.

The brunette's eyes narrowed into a glare, "I'm in."

"Great!" Philza responded enthusiastically. Before reaching into his pocket to pull out an envelope which he then handed to Dream.

"What's this?" the blonde asked.

"The first part of your training," Philza answered with a mischievous glint in his eye.


"You can not be serious..." George commented as he looked up at the high rope course in front of him.

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