Chapter 6

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Can the earth just swallow me whole, George begged as he tugged on the hood of his hoodie, well technically it was Dream's, to hide more of his face.

As Philza requested, Sapnap and Dream were following him to his apartment to help with his stuff.

The brunette didn't mind the plan until he discovered the two men decked out in their hero costumes. Needless to say, he was attracting a lot of unwanted attention. Mostly from Sapnap and Dream's fans.

"Dream!" a group of teenagers squealed while waving their hands frantically.

The dirty blonde hero gave them a dashing smile and waved back, causing his admires to shriek in excitement. George glanced back to fully take in Dream's outfit. It had a similar vibe to the royal elves that one would see in fantasy movies, only that it was in different shades of green. The axe he carried didn't really fit the whole elf vibe, but the blonde moved with such gracefulness and confidence that no one cared about it.

Besides Dream was Sapnap, looking as laid back as ever. He wore robes that were fit for a fire mage, which was mostly red and black, with a bit of white detailing. He didn't carry himself in the same dignified posture as Dream, but he still radiated confidence as he casually greeted his fans.

George grumbled underneath his breath, and slouched his back even more, kind of wishing that it would make him disappear from this situation. He made sure to keep a good distance between him and the heroes, hoping that no one would figure out that they were together.

"Hey, Georgie! Wait up!" Sapnap suddenly called, making the brunette cringe.

He twirled around in righteous fury and glared at the mage.

"Did you guys have to wear your hero costumes? We're attracting way too much attention." He whisper-yelled.

"Lighten up man, besides, you need to get used to the attention since you'll be joining us really soon." Sapnap stated, swinging an arm onto his shoulder.

"I look so out of place next to you guys, and you still have not answered my question about why you just had to get all suited up." George pointed out.

"It is important that we are ready at all times. A monster could spawn anywhere at any time." Dream explained suddenly appearing right beside them.

Just as he finished saying that the sirens around the area started going off.

George and Sapnap groaned.

"You just had to jinx it, didn't ya?" Sapnap whined.

"I'll leave this one to you guys," George said. Since he didn't have his professional hero license yet it would be best to stay out of their way.

"Attention to all! There is an unusually high concentration of mythisma in the area... please clear the area immediately." A voice announced, making people speed walk to the nearest shelter.

The trio could see a dark cloud forming above them and heard an annoyingly loud buzzing sound.

"Oh, this doesn't look good," Sapnap commented grimly.

"A monster of legend has appeared. Danger level 4! Please calmly proceed to the nearest shelter. The heroes have been alerted and are on their way." The announcer then continued.

"Level 4?!" Dream and Sapnap exclaimed at the same time.

"What does that mean exactly?" George asked. He didn't pay much attention to the drills in school. All he knew was that a level 1 was meh and a level 5 was super bad.

"It means that the monster has a 'lord' title. They come with their own army and can control lesser monsters." Sapnap explained, keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of the beast.

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