Chapter 24

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A week passed and Dream was finally cleared to go home, with instructions to take it easy for a while. Philza agreed to let him take some time off. Unfortunately, the same courtesy couldn't be extended to George since more and more monsters were appearing lately.

This left Dream a bit disappointed that he couldn't take George on a date anytime soon, but at least he could spend his off time arranging some date plans. Still, it didn't lessen the sting of not being able to be around the brunette so often and had him itching to get back on the field.

He's also been feeling very uneasy lately. He didn't know if he was just being paranoid due to his recent attack, but he couldn't ignore this festering thought that he tried unsuccessfully to push to the back of his head that something bad was about to happen.

And that morning, he was even more anxious than usual.

"Call in sick, please. Both of you...." The blonde begged his two roommates who were preparing for work. Philza had a hero's uniform made for George that was based on the robes that he wore when he was still the guardian of Estel. Only he changed the bottom half to pants, to grant George more mobility.

"You know that we can't do that Dream. Phil needs us out there." Sapnap argued.

"What's brought this on Dream? I know you would never prevent us from helping people without good reason."

"Call me crazy, but this morning when I woke up, I saw a raven staring at me from outside the window."

George stiffened at that, but Sapnap looked just as confused as ever.

"And that's bad because...?" he probed.

"Every time something bad happens a raven is always nearby."

"Dream... I love you man but you know that Philza is not going to let us stay home just because of a creepy ass bird. Things have been really crazy since you've been attacked, and they need all the help they can get out there. I'm sorry, but you know I can't just stay here and do nothing while other heroes are out there risking their lives." Sapnap said apologetically before putting on his mask and leaving the room.

George watched the raven head walk out of the room, then glanced back at Dream. It pained him to make Dream worry like this. He had experienced something similar in their past life every time Dream had to leave for war. The feeling of not knowing whether the people you care about would make it back alive.

Still, that didn't change the fact that people out there needed protection.

George walked over to Dream, who was still seated on his bed but now he was slouched over and looking at the floor dejected. The brunette cupped the back of his head and pressed it to his lower abdomen where the blonde could hear the faint beating of his heart.

He felt the blonde let out a heavy sigh as his tension eased slightly.

"I need to go Dream. But I'll be careful and won't do anything rash."

"Promise me..."

"I promise..." George said as he ran his fingers through Dream hair going down to his nape, before tugging lightly at the hair there so that the blonde would look at him.

"I'll be okay Dream." George declared in a whisper when Dream's green eye finally met his.

Dream dipped his head down again and pressed his forehead against George's body. "I'll have lunch ready for you guys when you get back. And if possible, please text me every hour or so I know that you're alright."

This request would normally annoy George since he had enough work keeping the city safe, but he knew that Dream needed it. "I won't be able to send you any long ones or even spare a minute to chat, but I will send a text to confirm that we are fine. So don't worry too much now ok?"

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