Chapter 19

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Dream decided on a little dinner tucked in a quiet part of the city. It was secluded enough to give them some privacy but nothing fancy since he didn't want George to be uncomfortable. After ordering George pulled out his phone and started texting Karl.

This kind of got on Dream's nerves, he knew that they were just friends but there was something about the brunette choosing to talk with his friend rather than him. Little did he know that George was merely faking it. Yes, he had sent Karl a text, but Karl had only sent an apology that he couldn't talk at that moment since he was helping out a bunch of customers.

So, the brunette was merely messing around with the phone, trying to appear busy because he had no idea what to say to Dream.

Luckily for him, the blonde finally decided to speak up. "You think we should talk to Philza about this?"


"About the other memories that we've been recovering..."

"Oh, uh... maybe... Honestly Dream I don't know if I even want to recover more memories since 

I already know how the story ends." George replied, his expression growing grimmer with each word.

"I see..." Dream replied.

"Are you disappointed?"

"What? No! George if you aren't comfortable with it then I won't force you. Especially after knowing what you've been dealing with all this time. I just feel bad that I can't take away your nightmares. Our relationship may be complicated right now but it doesn't mean that I don't care about you George, and I hate seeing you so scared or crying when you wake up." Dream explained.

"I'll get used to it after some time. I will still feel pain every time but I'll eventually get used to them, like I did before."

"You shouldn't have to George..."

The waiter then arrived carrying in their orders and the conversation stopped. The pair ate in relative silence but the blonde couldn't focus on his meal. His mind was churning with ideas on how he could alleviate George's suffering.

"Stop Dream..." George suddenly said after a sigh.

"Huh, what? I didn't say a thing..."

"I can practically hear your brain going a hundred miles an hour. I know what you're stewing over but there is nothing you can do about it. And..." George trailed off as he spared the blonde a quick glimpse before looking down at his plate again.

"As corny as it sounds... I'd rather it be me than you..." George said softly.

Dream suddenly felt the intense desire to rush over and hug the brunette while whispering sweet nothings in his ear, but he held himself together to recover from the sudden wave of happiness that assaulted him after hearing those words.

"Aw, George... are you trying to woe me? Cause it's working..." Dream coyly replied.

"Eat your food you Idiot," George responded, trying to bite down the grin that was threatening to form on his face. In a way he was grateful for the blonde changing the atmosphere... it was getting too sappy and depressing for his liking.

Dream let out a little wheeze and did as the brunette commanded. The tension in the air lightened and the pair went back to their friendly banter for the rest of the meal. When they finally left the diner, they were sharing laughs and smiles.

"Hey, before we head back to the room do you mind if we take a little walk around the institute's gardens? My stomach's way too full..." Dream said and George agreed.

George didn't appreciate the gardens when Philza was giving him a tour, but now that his mind was clear of worries and questions, he found himself smiling at the amazing view.

"There's a gazebo nearby but we have to travel through the maze to reach it. Up for the challenge?" Dream asked and the brunette nodded his reply.

The "maze" that Dream had mentioned appeared to be still new since the hedges were barely at his shoulders. Yet the pathways still left both of them disoriented.

"Dream... this is getting embarrassing," George giggled when they came to a dead end again. 

"Let's just go back."

"Nah I got this," Dream declared confidently as he started down another way.

"That's what you said last time," the brunette stated with an eyebrow quirked.

"Just one more try, George," Dream pleaded stubbornly.

The brunette sighed before following. They had only walked a couple more steps before Dream came to a pause. Something about this setting was familiar... a night sky covered in stars, the tranquil atmosphere with only the sounds they could hear were their thumping hearts, scattered breaths, and soft laughs... lost in a maze, away from prying eyes... a hand holding his. Its warmth travelled through his body providing him the heat he needed to last against the chilly night air. The sparks of electricity that kissed his skin when he felt its fingers lightly caress his skin so softly. This feeling that he loved... how he longed to experience it again, even if it was just for a minute or two.

"Another dead end?" George asked.

"No... I just... could you do something for me..." Dream asked in a whisper, with his back still to the brunette.

"Uh... I guess," George answered.

Dream, still facing away, reached a hand back to the brunette. George stared at it for a moment. He knew what the blonde wanted but didn't know if he could do it with his ears ringing to the sound of his heartbeat.

"Just for a while, please..." Dream pleaded softly.

George gingerly reached out and allowed his fingers to curl around Dream's. The blonde let out a stuttered breath as he baths in the nostalgic feeling. It made the hair on his skin stand, a painful mixture of pleasure that made him nearly cry knowing that it wouldn't last long.

He and George weren't at that stage yet, but how he wished he could rush them to it. These feelings, the memories, they tormented him... teasing him and showing him how sweet his life was in the brunette's embrace, before giving him a cold shower and reminding him that he couldn't have it again. At least not yet...

Suddenly he felt George's head press against his back. Dream reached his other hand back and this time the brunette didn't hesitate to take it. Dream found some relief in knowing he wasn't the only one overwhelmed with emotion, however, he didn't like how much George was trembling.

"You feel it too?" Dream said under his breath.

"I'm becoming a masochist... it hurts to remember, yet I want to feel like this over and over again. I'm sorry Dream... as much as my body aches to be like how we used to be... I'm not ready..."

Dream squeezed George's hands tightly. "Neither am I... we take this one step at a time George, just like what we agreed upon. But I will be asking for some moments like this... just to quench the pain for a bit, is that okay?"

"I can do that much..." George responded.

"Let's keep going," Dream said. He let go of one hand but kept a firm grip on the other. The pair walked through the rest of the maze in silence, their hands tightly linked together.

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