Chapter 28

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Dream returned to the bush where his mate still sat patiently waiting. The vampire appeared more guarded now, curling into himself while keeping his eyes on the wolf. His pale hand clutched at his injured shoulder and it bared its fangs in warning.

Dream crouched low to the ground to appear nonthreatening and crawled over to his mate who still eyed him warily. When the werewolf got close enough he laid his head lightly on the vampire's knee making his mate flinch. The wolf then began to whine softly, his eyes conveying his apology.

The vampire's frown remained but he still reached a hand down and laid it on top of the wolf's head. Dream's tail started thumping against the ground and he gave the vampire a wolfy grin before getting up again. He tentatively approached the vampire's injured shoulder, which was already healing, and started lapping at it, speeding up the process.

When the wound fully disappeared, Dream backed away from the vampire to put a decent amount of space between them, then he shifted back to his human form.

For a moment the pair remained silent and still. Their eyes traveled across each other's form slowly, as if they wanted to commit how the other looked to memory.

"I thought you would be naked..." the vampire finally spoke, his voice tickling Dream's ear and causing tingles to run down his spine deliciously. Fuck he wanted to hear him speak again. He was already so weak for his mate and they hadn't even had a proper conversation yet. Well, Dream was determined to change that.

"You would like that wouldn't you?" Dream answered, trying to sound coy but his voice came out more husky than he wanted.

The vampire scoffed in amusement and shook his head. "So where do your clothes go when you shift?"

"I don't have an answer for that. It's how the goddess made us."

"But it doesn't make any sense..."

"Anything is possible with magic, I mean look at you... a living breathing corpse with a taste for blood."

"I guess you do have a point there..." He then gave the werewolf a small smile. "My name's George..."

"Dream," the werewolf said as he maneuvered himself to sit cross-leg on the forest floor.

The vampire then reached up a hand to touch his shoulder again. "You bit me, you bastard."

"I apologize for that, I had to convince my pack that I had taken care of the vampire who had wandered onto our territory. Which reminds me, what are you doing here? Alone at that... You should have sensed that you were in shifter territory. And you must be aware that our kinds don't like each other. So why risk coming back here?"

The vampire looked at the ground and shrugged. "I don't know... I just wanted to see you again."

Dream felt his heart soar at those words and his supposed-to-be alpha wolf swoon. The blonde had to fight to keep his face blank least he disgraced himself in front of his mate.

"Me? Why?" The wolf probed, wanting to see if the vampire had any inkling of their bond.

"I don't know... that night that we met I had full intention of killing you. But the minute my eyes met yours my body suddenly felt weak. My bloodlust disappeared and I just couldn't seem to find the strength to hurt you."

The vampire curled into himself and turned his gaze away from the wolf. "I'm sorry, I can't explain it well enough but I keep feeling like there's this invisible force trying to pull me towards you. When I had to leave that night, I felt my heart ache, I hadn't felt that way since I died. I'm so confused... I have no idea why I feel this way when I don't even know you..."

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