Chapter 21

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George barely had time to process what was going on as the medics loaded Dream into the ambulance. Philza had managed to convince the paramedics to let George ride with them, then turned to inform the brunette that they would be following shortly.

Throughout the entire ride to the hospital, George held onto Dream's hand. His trembling fingers found their way between Dream's and he gripped on for dear life. He then leaned down so he could whisper into the blonde's ear, praying that somehow Dream would hear his words.

"You told me that you wouldn't die on me again. I didn't believe your words then, so please... prove me wrong Dream." He begged.

He then rested his forehead on Dream's and let out a deep breath when his now-enhanced hearing managed to pick up the sound of a beating heart.

"Stay alive for me please..." George rasped against his skin.

The medical staff were quick to cater to them the second that they arrived, but unfortunately, George had to wait outside the room where they were treating Dream in. He stumbled into a seat and buried his face in his hands.

Everything in his body ached to be by Dream's side and he had no idea how to deal with this assault of emotions.

"Hey, what are you going to do when I am gone?" George hears a familiar voice asks.

He finds himself transported into a dark bedroom. He was seated in a chair holding onto a frail hand.

"Do not talk like that. You know that I hate it." He scolds but it comes out shaky.

"George," a weak voice dripping with sadness calls, and the brunette brings their skinny hand to his lips.

"You'll be fine Dream, you're going to make it through this like you always do."

"I'm sorry... but I do not think I can. I can feel death's cold hand reaching out."

"Tell it to go away before I beat it off with a stick." George declared, causing the bedridden blonde to chuckle.

A strong and warm hand squeezes his shoulder and George startles from his memory. He looks up and sees Sapnap looking at him with empathy. The brunette tries to speak but the words seem to die on his throat.

The ravenhead didn't need his words however to know what he needed. Sapnap pulled him up from his seat and embraced him tightly. The brunette buried his face into his shoulder.

"I'm scared Sapnap... I've seen him die so many times, and every time I couldn't do anything to save him. I feel so helpless..."

"Dream's going to pull through George." The raven head said but his words seemed empty. George was practically deaf to them.

"It's happening again... I'm losing him again... I couldn't save him. He was right there and I did nothing." George muttered in a low voice as if in a trance. Why did it always have to be Dream... why not him?

Sanap's grip on George tightened and he pulled away from their embrace so George met his eyes. It was then that the brunette saw the fear and worry that the raven head was trying so hard to hide for his sake.

"Look George, I don't have my memories but I can tell you that this Dream is different from your previous lives. The Dream that we know now is a stubborn man, he's not just going to die on us. 

Especially not when he has finally found you." Sapnap declared as firmly as he could, but the brunette caught the quiver.

Yet despite the uncertainty of Dream's condition, he knew that he had to pull himself together. Nothing would be gained with him crashing now. He needed to have faith that the blonde would pull through.

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