Chapter 11

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The Estel forest was a magical place. The beautiful view of nature just as far as the eye could see, an untainted valley nearly encased fully by untraversable mountains. It was those very mountains and considering how distant it was from any form of civilization kept it safe from anyone who wished to destroy its beauty.

And it has remained so for centuries... until this very day.

This very morning was different. For gathered at the valley's only entrance, a narrow ravine with rock walls so high, was a group of beings of different races and species. Elves, dwarfs, humans, and more. It wasn't an army... nor a band of brutes planning to extract all the resources the valley could provide. No these were simple folk... seeking a new life... in a kingdom they hoped to build.

At the sound of a sigh, Dream turned his head back to look at his best friend Sapnap.

"We are nearly there Sapnap... be a bit more patient."

"You've been saying that for the past 4 days Dream. I have grown weary of seeing only green, and encountering creatures that intend to kill us."

"This is the last day, I promise it."

"Of all the lands your uncle could have given to you... he had to choose the farthest piece of land in his kingdom."

"Sapnap, we ought to be thankful that he even agreed to this. My uncle is known as a greedy man, the fact that he willingly gave up a portion of his land to me is a miracle."

"No doubt he only agreed because he was sure that you would have died along the way. And if you somehow managed to survive the treacherous journey, you would be killed by whatever beast awaits us in there."

"A beast?" Dream repeated.

"Have you not heard? They believe this valley to be protected by a dangerous beast that has killed anyone who dared to trespass its territory."

"I say it's all fairy tales and rubbish. And if such legends are true, I'm sure you and I can handle it."

"Dream, I may be a powerful mage but I am not invincible."

Dream offered no response since he saw that they were coming to the end of the ravine, and down below he could see the vastness of the valley.

This is certainly a wonderful place for a fresh start. Dream thought to himself.

Dream was the nephew of an emperor, and as a reward for serving in his military for so long, his uncle gave him a piece of land to start his own kingdom. So, Dream gathered all who wished to leave the corrupt atmosphere of the capital and ventured out into the wilderness.

He wanted to create a place where everyone was welcomed, and where the leaders actually cared about their people's welfare, instead of squeezing every coin they could get out of their pockets.

It would be a long and arduous task, but he was up for a challenge, and he had a good number of loyal supporters by his side. Dream then directed his horse down a rocky unrefined path, and Sapnap grumpily followed after him while making sure to glance back at the group behind them.

"Dream we might need to make a stop soon, they look tired," Sapnap commented.

"There's a stream up ahead, we shall set up camp there." Dream said.

A few minutes later the party heaved tired sighs and grunts as they finally reached the bank of the stream and started pitching up tents and preparing dinner.

"Dream where are you going?" Sapnap asked when he saw his friend walking away.

"I wish to do a little exploring before it gets dark. Care to join me?" The blonde asked.

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