Chapter 17

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AN: I'm back!!! To thank you all for being so patient here's a double update. Enjoy!

Part 1 of double update


The next morning the team was readying to get back to work when Philza showed up at their door again.

"Good morning you three, I see you're all ready for the day." He greeted.

"Hey Phil, what can we do for you?" Dream asked.

"I've decided to make a few changes. Though Dream and George now have their memories, they still need to practice fighting together, so today you two will be training again. Sapnap, I want you to join Wilbur and Tommy today on patrol. They're waiting for you in the courtyard."

"You got it boss man, see ya two later!" Sapnap said as he waved goodbye to his friends and left.

"Now, you two follow me," Philza said as he led the pair out to the arena.

The pair were surprised to find the arena's roof was on and the area was only dimly lit. There were a couple of wooden weapons lining the walls and in the center of it all was Kristen, standing elegantly still dressed in black and a veil covering her lovely face.

"Lady Kristen, what are you doing here?" George asked.

"I'm here to help you train," Kristen said cheerfully.

"Wait what?" the pair exclaimed.

"Who better to help you train to work together than a fated pair?" Philza declared. "Oh and catch!"

Philza then tossed an egg at the pair and George fumbled to catch it.

"Umm... what do we do with this?" Dream asked.

"Protect it," Kristen declared before she suddenly disappeared. Philza also spread his wings and disappeared from view.

"If you both manage to keep it safe for 10 minutes then we can consider this training done." Philza's voice echoed.

"Look out!" Dream said as he gently pushed George down as Philza swooped at them.

"Well fuck," George declared, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

"Language George," Kristen declared as she appeared right in front of his face.

The brunette fell back in shock and it left an opening for Kristen to reach out and try and take the egg. Seeing this happen, Dream lifted George in his arms and started running off.

"George, use your powers to make some sort of barrier!" Dream said as he continued running. 

He knew that he couldn't outrun Kristen's vampire speed so they needed to find a way to hunker down instead.

The brunette managed to gather his bearings and he focused his power to make the earth beneath them. Dream skidded to a stop and George had the ground rise and form a sphere around them before hardening to rock.

"That won't keep them out for long, we need to come up with a better plan." Dream said.

"We just need to keep avoiding them till time runs out? We can use the dark to our advantage since we both have decent vision."

"Kristen can also see in the dark, we need a more solid plan."

Suddenly they felt something throw itself at their shield. The rock started to crack under intense pressure from the outside and it made their heart rates spike.

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