Chapter 18

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Part 2 of double update


"Come on George, we're here. Wake up," Dream called to the sleeping brunette who merely gave him a noncommittal whine and drifted back to sleep.

The blonde sighed and placed George on his bed. He then went into the bathroom to shower, and when he came back out he found George still fast asleep. Dream walked over to him and gently pushed some loose strands of hair away from his face. The blonde was suddenly hit with a wave of déjà vu.

A vision flashed through his head... sitting down on a fancy couch with George's head on his lap. His hands playing with his brown hair, and for some reason, he felt as if the man was purring and he couldn't seem to shake the image of a pair of cat ears twitching from his touch.

"Dream?" George called breaking him from his vision.

"Hmm... oh yeah sorry," Dream said as he withdrew his hand. "You get clean up and I'll get started on lunch."

"Umm okay..."

While Dream headed to the kitchen, George grabbed some clothes and then went to the bathroom. He washed himself but when he was done, he didn't step out. Under the warm spray from the shower, he tilted his head back to bask in the heat and allowed it to run down his body to relax his tense muscles.

He didn't know how long he was in the shower but it must have been a while considering the water was starting to cool. Then his mind started to wander, conjuring up images that seemed so real.

He felt arms wrap around him and a kiss land on his newly marked neck. George opened his eyes and found himself no longer in the shower. Instead, he was standing underneath a small waterfall, allowing the gentle trickle of water to cool his face.

"Are you in any pain?" The man behind him asked with a smirk, and George rolled his eyes. There was no way that he would admit that to his already egotistical mate.

"I hardly felt a thing," the brunette declared making his mate grunt in offense.

"Didn't seem like it with the way you were moaning out my name last night."

"I was faking because I didn't want to bruise your ego. However, I came to realize that if I'm not honest with you nothing will change so you better do better next time."

George heard a growl rumble out of the man's chest before he got spun around and pinned to the rocks.

"So, there will be a next time?" Dream asked with a smirk.


George gasped as he broke away from the memory and found himself back in their dorm's bathroom still underneath the shower head which was now spitting out chilly water.

"Ye-yes?" the brunette responded to Dream's call nervously.

"You've been in there for quite a while, are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm almost done. I'll be out in a few."

"OK then, don't take too long or lunch will grow cold. Sapnap said he's eating out with Wil and Tommy."

George hummed his reply before turning off the water and quickly drying himself off. Once he was dressed, he went out to see Dream already tucking into his bowl of soup while looking at his phone. George took his bowl and dipped his spoon in before bringing it to his mouth.

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